4 Sleeping Disorders

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Tuesday, June 26, 2012

delayed sleep phase disorderDaily Health - As in the previous post (3 Sleeping Disorders), that sleep is essential to human activity. If we do not get enough sleep, then certainly we would feel weak and lazy to activities during the day.

According to research, almost every humans had experienced trouble sleeping. One in three people reported experience sleep disorders and one of nine people have a serious sleep disorder. Here are 4 of sleep disorders that might have serious consequences if not handled properly.

Restless Legs Syndrome
People who have this condition will always move their feet because they feel something uncomfortable in the part, such as itching. People who have this condition has an intensity of different movements. As a result, many patients who become insomnia and depression. This sleep disorder should alert you. Various pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments can help the sufferer.

Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that causes a person can sleep anywhere and in any condition without signs first. Narcolepsy patient will usually feel sleepy during the day and will perform a nap for hours. This disorder is caused by a lack of hypocretin, a substance in the brain that regulates sleep and wake schedule. Consumption of antidepressants, lifestyle changes and keep the psychological conditions could help treat narcolepsy.

Sleep Walking
This condition is characterized by a deep sleep while performing common activities when awake, such as walking, brushing teeth, or out of the house. Generally, the patient does not realize what they have done during sleep and was surprised when someone else tells them about their sleep habits. In addition to biological factors, psychological processes, especially dissociation (altered state of consciousness in part or whole) contribute to cause sleep walking. This condition requires a thorough diagnosis, such as laboratory tests, so that examination could be more perfect.

Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder
People with this condition characterized by difficulty sleeping at night, making it difficult to get up early. This condition is considered normal if you experience it once in a while, but if you experience it almost every night so there should be a serious concern.    

Hopefully useful! Don't forget to follow Beautiful Ala Indonesian on twitter or facebook fan page. Thank you! 

3 Sleeping Disorders

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Monday, June 25, 2012

3 Sleeping Disorders - Sleep is an important activity for humans. If we are experiencing lack of sleep or sleep disorders, then the days will seem to be slower and less enthusiastic.

3 sleeping disorders

According to research, almost every humans had experienced trouble sleeping. One in three people reported experience sleep disorders and one of nine people have sleep problems that quite serious. Here are 3 of sleep disorders that could be dangerous if not handled properly.

This sleep disorder is the most popular among the people, is transitional and primary. Typically, transitional insomnia caused by stress due to the many activities. However, when stress can be overcome, this sleep disorder will be lost. While for primary insomnia, a sleep disorder that has a long-term effects and very difficult to treat. You can treat insomnia by changing your lifestyle to a healthy lifestyle and maintain a psychological condition, so that its negative impacts, such as mood changes and decreased concentration, can be overcome.

Sleep Apnea
This sleep disorder characterized by difficulty in breathing while sleeping. Apnea occurs when the respiratory tract is closed, so that no air reaches the lungs. As a result, the patient will feel sleepy and tired easily all day. These conditions require special care in hospital.

Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD)
People with PLMD usually often make spontaneous movements during sleep and not realize it. Alcohol and caffeine can aggravate these symptoms. This condition can also be treated with drugs that are used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease.  

Hopefully useful! Tomorrow I will continue the four other sleep disorders that may be you are experiencing. Don't forget to follow Beautiful Ala Indonesian on twitter or facebook fan page. Thank you!

4 Habits That Damage The Hair

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Saturday, June 23, 2012

Natural Hair - Continuing my previous article ( 3 Habits That Damage The Hair ), this time I will explain four other habits that can make the hair become damaged. You should pay attention to your hair care habits, because preventing certainly better than curing.

do not too often put on hairspray

1. Too frequent washing of hair
Because it feels greasy, many people have the habit of washing hair every day. Washing hair with shampoo every day can remove the natural oils that actually required. Washing hair too often actually trigger the scalp to continue to produce oil to replace oil lost because of the shampoo.

The natural oil should reach the tip of the hair to make hair look healthy, but this will not happen if you wash your hair every day with shampoo. If possible, wash every 2-3 days to let the natural oils in your hair perform its functions. Wash with clean water without shampoo if you need a freshness to the scalp every day.

2. Using the wrong comb
Using the wrong comb can also damage the hair. Improper comb can make it difficult to comb your hair and cause hair breakage. The longer the hair, then select the larger comb to be easy to straighten hair.

3. Forget the hair care
If your hair is colored, has dandruff, or losing, you should immediately look for the proper care. The longer let your hair with these conditions will make the problem more difficult to treat. Use a shampoo or hair care product that suits your problem. If the problem persists, consult with your hair stylist or dermatologist to find the solution of the problem.

4. Too many chemicals
To keep your hair healthy, try as often as possible to let the hair in its natural state. Do not get too often overload your hair with a variety of styling products like gel, wax, or hairspray. Frequent use of these products will make the hair sticky and easy to have dandruff if not cleaned properly.

3 Habits That Damage The Hair

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Natural Hair - Many people who complain about hair is often not aware if they are actually in the habit of treating hair which makes their hair becomes damaged. Here are some habits that can make the hair become damaged.

3 habits that damage the hair

1. Tying the hair too often
Tying the hair is a practical way to keep hair neat. But do you realize, you could make your hair and scalp became strained and stressed? Some problems that may arise are headaches and hair loss.

Should not be too tight tying of hair so the hair can still breathe. In addition, try to always change the point of hair ties in order to avoid constant pressure at the same point.

Do not tie your hair all day, it is intended to allow your hair to rest and prevent the scalp becomes strained. If possible, do the variations in styling the hair so it is not easily fragile. Occasionally let your hair down, use a brace to help straighten hair.

2. Wrong in using a hair dryer
There are rules to dry the hair. Do not use a hair dryer to dry your hair while still in a very wet when just finished shampooing. This will make the hair more brittle and easily broken. Preferably, first dry the hair with a towel until damp. After that you can use a hair dryer at medium temperature, not too hot.

To get a healthy hair, it's worth to buy a good quality hair dryer where the temperature can be adjusted. Some hair dryer also provide a cold air features to dry your hair. This could be an alternative choice in drying hair to keep hair healthy. We recommend that the maximum time to dry your hair using hot air no more than 20 minutes.    

3. Change the texture of hair
Curly or straight hair can be equally beautiful, as long as it laid out correctly. No need to force yourself to change the texture of the hair with various treatments that can be damaging. Know your hair type and texture. Hair that thin and easily broken should not be burdened with a lot of chemical treatments that can make it getting damaged.

Using a hair straightener every day can also make the hair become brittle and fall off easily. For fragile and sensitive hair, the process to restore damaged hair can take a long time. If you still decide to change the texture of the hair, make sure you always use a regular hair care.   

Hopefully this article useful for you! Don't forget to follow Beautiful Ala Indonesian on twitter or facebook fan page. Thank you!

Benefits of Black Chocolate

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Saturday, June 16, 2012

black chocolate for people who are lazy to exercise
Chocolate is always be a favorite food of all ages. Besides it tastes delicious, chocolate also has a good benefit for the body. Recently another benefit of black chocolate has been found. A study says that eating black chocolate has health benefits equal to those who perform sports activities.

Dr. Moh Malek, Wyne State University researcher who focuses on the study of mitochondria, the energy generation sources that produce energy in cells, found a plant compound found in cocoa or chocolate, called epicatechin, which can stimulate the same muscle response to exercise.

"Mitochondria produce the energy used by cells in the body. The more mitochondria means the more energy is produced, and the more work you can do," said Dr. Malek.

This study uses epicatechin found in cocoa, given to mice twice a day for 15 days. At the same time, other mice underwent treadmill exercise for 30 minutes per day. Researchers discovered that mice who ate the epicatechin has the same performance as mice that trained on a treadmill.

The researchers hope the study can be an alternative to counter muscle loss due to age. "It appears that epicatechin treatment combined with exercise can be a means to offset the aging of muscles," adds Dr. Malek. 

Hopefully useful! Don't forget to follow Beautiful Ala Indonesian on twitter or facebook fan page. Thank you! 

Mistakes in Skin Care (2)

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Friday, June 15, 2012

mistakes in skin care
Yesterday I have discussed five habits that may damage the skin. Now I will add 4 more habits that we often do unconsciously that can damage the skin beauty.

1. Wash your face first rather than to wash the hair
As mentioned in previous posts, the remnants of dirt and hair moisturizer in the shampoo will pass through the neck, back, face as well, and can close the pores of the skin in this section. Therefore, to avoid double work, you should wash your hair first, then wash your face. With this, the remaining dirt will not stick in your face.

2. Like to touch the skin
Touching the face with dirty hands should be avoided. If you currently have acne, then certainly, the dirt on the hands will actually make acne more inflamed. So stop touching your face with dirty hands!

3. Lazy to clean your face before bed  
When we sleep, the skin is working hard to suck the nutrients included in the surface. If you do not clean your face before bed, then the dirt will also be absorbed by the skin. As a result the skin looks dull and unhealthy.

4. Less sleep  
As explained above, sleep is the time for the skin to regenerate the cells and absorb the nutrients. If you sleep less, then automatically the skin time to repair performance would be reduced as well. 

Hopefully useful! Don't forget to follow Beautiful Ala Indonesian on twitter or facebook fan page. Thank you! 

Mistakes in Skin Care (1)

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Thursday, June 14, 2012

incorrect wearing face soap
Unconsciously, often the habits that we do give a bad impact on our skin. For those of you who want to always have beautiful skin, you should avoid these habits :

1. Lack of drinking
Drank less not only affect overall health. Are visible, someone who is dehydrated can also be seen from the skin. The skin will be dull and dry, so that its beauty is lost. Not only that, various bacteria and viruses are also easier to attack the dry skin. So keep yourself to always drink enough to prevent dehydration.

2. Wash face with the wrong soap
Although both foaming, but the face soap has a very different content than the body soap. Using body soap to wash your face will make your skin becomes dry and rough.

3. Wrong in choosing a moisturizer
Moisturizer is very important to keep your skin stay healthy, but you should choose a moisturizer that suits with your skin type.

4. Not use sunscreen
Sunscreen is a must for skin nutrition. Leaving skin exposed to sunlight without any protection will be reduced to its beauty. In addition can cause sunburn and the appearance of black spots, it also can lead to skin cancer.

5. Not wash the back of the body after shampooing
When washing your hair after shampooing, the rest of moisturizer on the shampoo will go down through the back of the neck and back. If you don't rinse thoroughly, then the rest of moisturizer will cover the pores of the skin and often cause acne. So don't forget to always wash the back of the body after shampooing.

Hopefully useful! I will continue to the second part tomorrow. Don't forget to follow Beautiful Ala Indonesian on twitter or facebook fan page. Thank you!

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