The Benefits of Strawberry

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Saturday, March 24, 2012

the benefits of strawberry

The Benefits of Strawberry - Do you know why strawberry is made as the symbol of love at the time of Ancient Greece? Was it because of the heart like? Apparently not. Ancient Greece people make strawberry as a symbol of love because of the color, taste and benefits for people, especially for the health and beauty. So, what are the benefits of strawberries for health and beauty?

Nutritional Content and It's Benefits

Strawberry contain high vitamin C, has been proven that 1 ons strawberry contains more vitamin C than 1 ons citric orange. Strawberry also contain phytochemicals, which functions as a powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants will bind free radicals, thus preventing the occurrence of the disease and as an anti aging.

Strawberry also contain ellagic acid, in some studies, ellagic acid can inhibit the growth of established tumor in the lung, osephagus, breast, cervix, and tongue. In addition, ellagic acid can also reduce the risk of cancer and diseases caused from cigarette smoke.

Strawberry also have an effect that is very good for the prevention of leukimia, anemia aplastik (less aplastik blood) and blood diseases. Two kinds of substances that are in it, "strawberry amine" and "acid tanat", have an effect and curb the growth of a malignant tumor.

In addition to vitamin-rich, strawberry is also rich in nutrition that contains the amino acid, monosakarida, citric acid, pectine, calcium, magnesium, phosphor, minerals and so forth. Nutrien elements that are in strawberry fruit has a very good effect in encouraging the growth of children.

Last and this is certainly favored by the women, the strawberry is very effective to slow the aging process. Vitamin B1, B2, C and provitamin A in strawberry can create and refine the skin color looks more bright, clean, and can prevent the occurrence of wrinkles on the skin.

Hopefully the article "The Benefits of Strawberry" is pretty useful!

{ 2 comments... read them below or add one }

abiodun said...

am interested in natura weight loss i saw on your site but i don t know how to get the ingredient here in nigeria

Hendra Wibowo said...

Indeed, most of the recipes that I wrote is traditional recipes from Indonesia, that most of the ingredient found only in the southeast asia countries. But there are also many recipes with ingredient easily available anywhere, I will try to continue to provide as much information as I can give. Thank you for your attention.

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