Showing posts with label beautiful hair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beautiful hair. Show all posts

4 Habits That Damage The Hair

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Saturday, June 23, 2012

Natural Hair - Continuing my previous article ( 3 Habits That Damage The Hair ), this time I will explain four other habits that can make the hair become damaged. You should pay attention to your hair care habits, because preventing certainly better than curing.

do not too often put on hairspray

1. Too frequent washing of hair
Because it feels greasy, many people have the habit of washing hair every day. Washing hair with shampoo every day can remove the natural oils that actually required. Washing hair too often actually trigger the scalp to continue to produce oil to replace oil lost because of the shampoo.

The natural oil should reach the tip of the hair to make hair look healthy, but this will not happen if you wash your hair every day with shampoo. If possible, wash every 2-3 days to let the natural oils in your hair perform its functions. Wash with clean water without shampoo if you need a freshness to the scalp every day.

2. Using the wrong comb
Using the wrong comb can also damage the hair. Improper comb can make it difficult to comb your hair and cause hair breakage. The longer the hair, then select the larger comb to be easy to straighten hair.

3. Forget the hair care
If your hair is colored, has dandruff, or losing, you should immediately look for the proper care. The longer let your hair with these conditions will make the problem more difficult to treat. Use a shampoo or hair care product that suits your problem. If the problem persists, consult with your hair stylist or dermatologist to find the solution of the problem.

4. Too many chemicals
To keep your hair healthy, try as often as possible to let the hair in its natural state. Do not get too often overload your hair with a variety of styling products like gel, wax, or hairspray. Frequent use of these products will make the hair sticky and easy to have dandruff if not cleaned properly.

3 Habits That Damage The Hair

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Natural Hair - Many people who complain about hair is often not aware if they are actually in the habit of treating hair which makes their hair becomes damaged. Here are some habits that can make the hair become damaged.

3 habits that damage the hair

1. Tying the hair too often
Tying the hair is a practical way to keep hair neat. But do you realize, you could make your hair and scalp became strained and stressed? Some problems that may arise are headaches and hair loss.

Should not be too tight tying of hair so the hair can still breathe. In addition, try to always change the point of hair ties in order to avoid constant pressure at the same point.

Do not tie your hair all day, it is intended to allow your hair to rest and prevent the scalp becomes strained. If possible, do the variations in styling the hair so it is not easily fragile. Occasionally let your hair down, use a brace to help straighten hair.

2. Wrong in using a hair dryer
There are rules to dry the hair. Do not use a hair dryer to dry your hair while still in a very wet when just finished shampooing. This will make the hair more brittle and easily broken. Preferably, first dry the hair with a towel until damp. After that you can use a hair dryer at medium temperature, not too hot.

To get a healthy hair, it's worth to buy a good quality hair dryer where the temperature can be adjusted. Some hair dryer also provide a cold air features to dry your hair. This could be an alternative choice in drying hair to keep hair healthy. We recommend that the maximum time to dry your hair using hot air no more than 20 minutes.    

3. Change the texture of hair
Curly or straight hair can be equally beautiful, as long as it laid out correctly. No need to force yourself to change the texture of the hair with various treatments that can be damaging. Know your hair type and texture. Hair that thin and easily broken should not be burdened with a lot of chemical treatments that can make it getting damaged.

Using a hair straightener every day can also make the hair become brittle and fall off easily. For fragile and sensitive hair, the process to restore damaged hair can take a long time. If you still decide to change the texture of the hair, make sure you always use a regular hair care.   

Hopefully this article useful for you! Don't forget to follow Beautiful Ala Indonesian on twitter or facebook fan page. Thank you!

Hair Care Before and After Swim

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Wednesday, June 6, 2012

don't be afraid to swim
Hair Care Before and After Swim - Swimming is an exciting sport. But beyond that, swimming is also having an effect that could endanger the health of the scalp and hair. According to researchers from Columbia University, the content of chlorine in swimming pools can reduce the hair's natural oils, this can cause damage to the hair cuticle.

Similarly, a swim at the beach. Sea water has a high salt content which can reduce the moisture in the hair, making hair becomes dry and brittle. But that does not mean you are then forbidden to swim. With proper care you can still get the benefits of swimming without fear of damaging the hair.

Here are some tips on caring for your hair before and after swimming :

Use a swimming cap
Chlorine in the pool water can make the hair become dry. Protect your hair to avoid the adverse effects of chlorine. Use a swimming cap to protect hair from contact with dangerous chemicals in the pool.

Use a moisturizer 
If you decide to swim without a cap, apply a hair moisturizer or olive oil to protect hair from dangerous content of pool water. Hair moisturizer can help to block direct contact of hair with chemicals in the pool or a high salt content in sea water.

Wet your hair
Wet your hair before going to the pool. Dry hair will be easier to absorb the chemicals in the water. Wet hair can help to reduce the absorption of chlorine, or salt water when swimming in the sea. Once you are done swimming, immediately rinse the hair with clean water. Do not delay this activity, so the hair is not too long exposure to chemicals.

Clean your hair
If possible, wash your hair with warm water for about 5 minutes to remove chemicals that stick while swimming. Use shampoos and moisturizers to prevent hair from drying out. For those of you who frequently swimming, use a special shampoo for swimmers that contains serum and moisturizing ingredients to protect hair from damage.

Dry it naturally
Dry your hair gently with towel and let it dry naturally. If you use a hairdryer, choose a hair dryer that provides the features of cold wind. The use of hot winds in the dryer will make the hair become more dry.

Additional treatment
Use a conditioner to make hair moist and strong. Besides can make the hair become healthier, the conditioner can also help hair look neat all day. For those of you who frequently swimming, you should do a hair cream bath or spa on a regular basis. 

If you follow the tips above, then you do not have to worry about your beautiful hair will be damaged.

Hair Treatment at Extreme Weather

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Monday, May 21, 2012

hair treatment tips
Natural Hair - Extreme weather makes you be more focused in the hair treatment if you want to continue to have a beautiful hair. Extreme weather with summer heat make your scalp itch. Sweat exacerbate the situation, making the dirt piled up on the scalp. The only way to make your scalp stay clean is by washing your hair more often.

But washing your hair too often can make it stiffly. To fix this, then you need to use a conditioner. However, conditioner usually only made the hair to be deflated.

So, how do the proper hair treatment at extreme weather?

According to Rudi Hadisuwarno, expert hairstylists from Rudy Hadisuwarno Education Institution, a conditioner that is used must be adapted to the condition of the hair. "Conditioner is used only on the hair shaft and do not expose the scalp. In the colored and straightened hair should wear a Sun Flower Conditioner," said Rudi Hadisuwarno. Conditioner could coat the hair shaft so it is not easily broken or branched.

Conditioner also makes hair easy to comb, so it reduces the chance of hair loss. The next treatment is the use hair tonic. For damaged hair, you should choose a tonic that contains sun flower extracts that maintain the strength and nourish the roots to keep hair shiny.

For those who have dandruff, you should use tonics that contain extracts of tea tree oil to help eliminate dandruff and nourish the hair root to keep the scalp healthy.

Hopefully this hair treatment tips is useful! Don't forget to follow Beautiful Ala Indonesian on twitter or facebook fan page. Thank you!

Hair Types and How To Treat Them

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Saturday, May 12, 2012

hair care tips
Natural Hair - Beautiful and healthy hair is everyone's dream, both men and women. But every person is born different, they also have different hair types. Therefore, before performing hair care, you should identify your hair type in order to get maximum results. Here are 4 types of hair and how to treat them :

1. Dry hair

Characteristics : hair looks dull, rigid, brittle, and branched at the ends.

Causes and treatments :
Caused by the shortage of oil on the scalp. Could be because of pollution, stress, diet that is too strict. It could also because chemical processes such as curling, straightening, blow, hair coloring, and styling products that use excessively. Thing to do is use a shampoo that contains yogurt, because yogurt is believed to soften, refresh, and nourish the hair. 

2.  Oily hair

Characteristics :  hair feel greasy, limp and is easily soiled.

Causes and treatments :
Caused by excessive activity of the oil glands. Could be caused by heredity, may also because external factors such as stress, lack of vitamins, diets that is too tight and sweaty scalp due to continuous closed. When it left to continue without proper treatment, the dandruff will easily appear on the scalp and hair also becomes easy to fall off. All you have to do is wash your hair frequently enough so the dirt that is trapped in each strand of hair and scalp can be removed. Washing your hair can also keep the oil levels in the scalp is not excessive. 

3. Dandruff hair 

Characteristics : hair looks dry, dull, and when scratched the scalp, the white spots will appear.

Causes and treatments :
Choose the wrong shampoo, washing hair too often, blow and suffered a chemical process. That should be done is to choose the right shampoo and suitable for the scalp, and use it regularly.

4. Brittle hair   

Characteristics : hair looks dull, easily broken and split ends.

Causes and treatments: 
Too often have chemical processes like curling, hair straightening (rebonding), coloring, hair bleach, etc.. This process ongoing within a relatively close so the hair does not get a chance to fix the cells. What is required is stop doing any chemical process on the hair. If necessary cut the hair that cracks and restore the vitality of the hair through the use of nutrients and the right shampoo. Choose a shampoo that contains ginseng and protein complexes that can make the hair stronger and not easily to fall out, regular treatments can make fragile hair strong again. 

Hopefully useful! Don't forget to follow Beautiful Ala Indonesian on twitter or facebook fan page. Thank you!

Seven Natural Oils for Healthy Hair

Posted by Hendra Wibowo

jojoba oil for healthy hair
Seven Natural Oils for Healthy Hair - I'm sure many of you are willing to spend a lot of money just to get a beautiful hair. The reason? Because hair is a woman crown. Of course keep it healthy, beautiful, and far from problem is a priority.

Well, actually nature has provided all we need. We just need to know the nature to know what useful things that nature provided for us. For hair care at least seven of these natural oils is quite useful.

1. Lavender oil
Lavender oil is one of the best natural oils for hair. Besides scent of this oils can make us more calm and relaxed, lavender oil is also suitable for all types of hair. Benefits of lavender oil is to prevent hair loss, and work to overcome the excess oil on the scalp. Apply lavender oil on the scalp with a gentle massage.

2. Rosemary oil
Rosemary oil is very useful for natural hair care. In addition to useful as perfumes, antibacterial, antifungal and anti-virus for all skin diseases. This oil also helps to get back your hair volume naturally.

3. Castor oil
Castor oil basically is a vegetable oil derived from castor beans. And benefits of this oil is to keep hair shiny and be much stronger. Not only that, castor oil is also beneficial for the growth of hair, nails and eyelashes. For hair growth, apply castor oil on the scalp while gently massaged. 

4. Sage oil
For those who want to cover gray hair naturally can use sage oil. These oils can change hair color becomes darker. Sage oil can also be used as an anti-fungal, antibacterial, and able to make hair grow naturally. Hair becomes more shiny and healthy. For maximum results, sage oil may be mixed with other oils.

5. Carrot seed oil
Carrot seed oil is helpful for improving the general condition of dry skin. Apply this oil on the scalp while gently massaged. Its function is to moisturize, and improve the growth and repair damage to the hair like cracks from the root to the edge.    

6. Basil oil 
Basil oil can help you to have a stable growth of hair. Using basil oil regularly can improve the general condition of the scalp become healthier and balanced for optimal hair growth.

7. Jojoba oil  
This oil is an ingredients that are often found in hair care products. This oil is beneficial to prevent the loss of natural moisture from the hair follicle. This oil is also beneficial to prevent hair cracking.

Hopefully useful! Don't forget to follow Beautiful Ala Indonesian on twitter or facebook fan page. Thank you! 

10 Tips to Prevent Hair Loss

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Wednesday, May 9, 2012

tips for hair loss
Natural Hair - Hair is your crown. No one will feel happy when experiencing hair loss. In part the loss is natural, because the process of aging-related genes that make the most of your hair disappear in a "programmed". In part the other hair loss is not natural, due to improper hair care. The following ten tips can prevent unnatural hair loss :
  1. Combing and brushing hair. Combing and brushing your hair every day is not only tidy up and cleaning the hair, but also increases the blood supply to activate the activity of cells of the scalp. Use a comb with wide-spaced teeth and a fluffy brush.
  2. Use the right shampoo. Choose a shampoo for dry hair, normal, oily, dandruff, etc., according to the condition of your hair. Wash your hair at least twice a week. Always wash with shampoo after swimming in the sea or the pool to get rid of salt and chlorine that can damage the hair follicle. Make sure you always rinse hair thoroughly after shampooing.
  3. Use a conditioner. The use of a conditioner after shampooing reduce the effort needed to comb your hair and make it more manageable. The use of a conditioner is necessary, especially if your hair is dry.
  4. Dry the wet hair and don't be too hard rub hair with a towel. When hair is wet, its structure is more fragile and should be avoided to comb or brush too strong.
  5. Vary your hairstyles. If you wear a hairstyle that requires a pull on the hair should be interspersed with looser hairstyles, to avoid the constant pull that causes tension on the hair follicle, so hair can fall out.
  6. Maintain the adequacy of protein. Because the hair consists of protein (keratin), it is important for you to follow a diet enough protein to maintain hair production. Protein found in meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, cheese, cereals, soy and nuts.
  7. Don't be obsessed with hair problems. And don't touch or pull hair constantly.
  8. Balance and stabilize your emotions. Stress can trigger hair loss.
  9. Don't wear a wig. The use of wigs should be avoided because it makes your scalp can not breathe properly and strangle your follicles. Hijab, helmet, or hat does not damage your hair like a wig, as long as careful when putting on and off.
  10. Avoid sunburn to the scalp and body. We all know why the sun can have serious consequences for overall health. Sunburn to the scalp can also cause follicles can not sustain the hair, because it burns.

Hopefully useful! Don't forget to follow on twitter or facebook (bottom right of this blog page). Thank you!

5 Ways to Remove Dandruff Naturally

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Tuesday, May 8, 2012

natural dandruff remedies
Nothing is more annoying than seeing white flakes falling on your clothes when combing hair. Dandruff is a hair problems experienced by many people. Whatever beautiful your hair, it would be meaningless if you have dandruff scalp.

Here are five natural ways to get rid of dandruff :

1. White Vinegar
White vinegar is an excellent remedy for dandruff. Combine a cup of white vinegar with a cup of water, and pour over your scalp after shampooing, as a final rinse. Let sit and then rinse with clean water.

You can also wash your hair with one tablespoon of vinegar mixed with 3 tablespoons oil, then cleaned with shampoo. This method gives an equally good effect.

2. Baking Soda
Dampen your hair slightly. Take a handful of baking soda and rub your scalp with the baking soda. Then rinse well so all soda loss from your hair. Do this several times. At first, your hair may be a bit dry, but after one week you will see the difference. Your scalp produces natural oils, making your hair gently back and your dandruff will be gone.

3. Lemon
Pour 2 tablespoon lemon juice in your head. Gently squeeze your hair and scalp. Take a glass of water and add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice into it, then pour into your hair. Rinse with water after a few minutes. Your head will smell nice and fresh lemon and your dandruff disappeared. Repeat several times until your dandruff is completely gone.

4. Salt
Take table salt when you would wash your hair. Sprinkle and rub your scalp with salt. Rinse after a while and wash your hair with shampoo.

5. Coconut Milk
Combine half the coconut milk from coconuts, a glass of pineapple juice, lime juice, and one-half cup of coconut water. Stir evenly. Use this mixture to wash your hair every five days. Clean with shampoo every time you do.

Hopefully useful! Don't forget to follow Beautiful Ala Indonesian on twitter or facebook fan page. Thank you!

Dandruff Causes And How To Overcome It

Posted by Hendra Wibowo

overcome dandruff
Dandruff is a hair problems experienced by many people. Dandruff is the over peeling of dead skin cells from the scalp. Dandruff is not an organism like lice, but only the dead skin that accumulate on the scalp. Dead skin cells and peeling is common and normal. But in some people it becomes superfluous. When accompanied by redness and irritation, then this can be a symptom of seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis.

Dandruff can also be caused by other conditions such as :

Oily skin. 
Many people believe that dandruff is caused by dry scalp. However, dandruff is also found in oily scalp. Excessive layers of oil on the scalp can be dry, thickened and flakes in the form of dandruff.

If you exercise regularly, you sweating more, this can also cause dandruff, especially if you don't shampooing as often as you should.

Certain forms of dandruff are also believed to be caused by a fungus on the scalp. Because the fungus can not be eliminated completely so dandruff too can not be exterminated, can only be controlled.

Other factors include : cold weather, the use of sprays and hair oils, shampoos that don't appropriate, less clean rinsing shampoo, shampooing infrequently, unhealthy diet, stress and hormonal disorders.

What should you do when you have dandruff?
  • Do not ignore the dandruff. Because it will just make their growth lot more. This causes itching, so you scratching your head. Strong scratching of the scalp can cause sores and are prone to infection. 
  • If you have mild dandruff, you can try to handle it with more often shampooing. The more often you shampooing with a mild anti-dandruff shampoo, the less dandruff you have. If necessary, shampooing every day to control the growth of dandruff.
  • If light anti-dandruff shampoos don't work or your dandruff is severe, use a shampoo / special anti-dandruff medications that contain selenium sulfide, zinc pyrithione, sulfur acid / salicylate and other active substances to wash your hair. Use only as needed because these drugs tend to have a strongly effect. After that, leave it for at least five minutes before rinsing. Massage your scalp gently with your fingertips for blood circulation in the head. This medicine may be used alone or mixed with regular shampoo (follow the instructions of use). You can also intersperse the use of anti-dandruff with regular shampoo. Once your dandruff disappears, switch to your regular shampoo.
Hopefully useful! Don't forget to follow on twitter or facebook (bottom right of this blog page). Thank you!

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