Showing posts with label about sore throat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label about sore throat. Show all posts

Natural Ways to Overcome Sore Throat

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Wednesday, April 11, 2012

overcome sore throat naturally
Natural Ways to Overcome Sore Throat - Unpredictable weather cause various diseases, such as colds and flu that led to the discomfort of the throat. Many people take medication to relieve the throat. However, according to Asher Benjamin MD.PC from the American Academy of Otolaryngology, natural medicine is the best solution to overcome a sore throat. Here are some natural ways to overcome a sore throat.

The first way
Standard medication to overcome a sore throat is by mixing one tablespoon of honey in warm water with lemon juice. This is an excellent natural way. This method can coat and will soothe irritation of the throat.

The second way
Gargling with salt water or other solvents can be another solution to help reduce sore throat caused by dry air irritation or allergy. Research in India for patients who fitted tracheal tubes postoperative were asked to gargle using one teaspoon of licorice mixed in eight ounces of water. The results found that gargling with the mixture can reduce the severity of sore throat. You can find licorice at the store or herbal medicine.

Another way to relieve sore throat is by gargle using apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is considered to clear the throat, but not as hard as other types of vinegar. One tablespoon of Bourbon Whiskey blended with a glass of warm water can also be used for rinsing. This fluid can kill bacteria as well as soothe the throat. 

Prevent Recurrence
According to Dr. Asher, prevention is the best cure for a sore throat caused by irritation or infection. The easiest way to prevent sore throat starts from the surrounding environment.

For example, if you have a sore throat in the morning, can be caused by dryness from breathing through your mouth at night, or it could be triggered by acid reflux during sleep. Arrange your bedroom humidity. In addition, set a pillow for the head slightly raised, it can also prevent a sore throat caused by increased stomach acid.
Whatever you do, don't ignore the sore throat that lasts more than a week because it could be a sign of serious problems. If you feel the pain getting worse so make it difficult to swallow food, see a doctor immediately. The smoker who has long had a sore throat should also see a doctor immediately.

Hopefully the article "natural ways to overcome sore throat" can be useful for you!

Diphtheria Alert!

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Saturday, April 7, 2012

caution diphtheria

Diphtheria Alert - Diphtheria may not be too concerned, because the symptoms are almost the same as when we are exposed to influenza. In fact, a disease that often strikes children, can cause death if not treated properly.

What and how diphtheria attack?

Diphtheria is a bacterial infection that originates from Corynebacterium diphtheriae, which usually affects the mucous membranes and throat. Diphtheria typically causes a sore throat, fever, swollen glands, and fatigue. In advanced stages, diphtheria can cause damage to the heart, kidneys and nervous system. Such conditions in turn can have fatal consequences and lead to death.

Signs and symptoms of diphtheria include, sore throat and hoarseness, painful swallowing, swollen glands in the neck (lymph nodes), and the formation of a thick gray membrane covering the throat and tonsils, difficulty breathing or rapid breathing, fever, and shivering.

Signs and symptoms usually begin to appear 2-5 days after a person becomes infected. People who are infected with C. Diphtheriae often do not feel anything or no symptoms at all. People who are infected but do not realize is known as a carrier of diphtheria. Source of transmission of diphtheria is a man, both as individuals and as a carrier.

The second type of diphtheria can affect the skin, causing pain redness, and swelling that are typically associated with other skin bacterial infections. Meanwhile, in rare cases, diphtheria infection also affects the eyes.

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