Showing posts with label daily health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label daily health. Show all posts

4 Sleeping Disorders

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Tuesday, June 26, 2012

delayed sleep phase disorderDaily Health - As in the previous post (3 Sleeping Disorders), that sleep is essential to human activity. If we do not get enough sleep, then certainly we would feel weak and lazy to activities during the day.

According to research, almost every humans had experienced trouble sleeping. One in three people reported experience sleep disorders and one of nine people have a serious sleep disorder. Here are 4 of sleep disorders that might have serious consequences if not handled properly.

Restless Legs Syndrome
People who have this condition will always move their feet because they feel something uncomfortable in the part, such as itching. People who have this condition has an intensity of different movements. As a result, many patients who become insomnia and depression. This sleep disorder should alert you. Various pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments can help the sufferer.

Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that causes a person can sleep anywhere and in any condition without signs first. Narcolepsy patient will usually feel sleepy during the day and will perform a nap for hours. This disorder is caused by a lack of hypocretin, a substance in the brain that regulates sleep and wake schedule. Consumption of antidepressants, lifestyle changes and keep the psychological conditions could help treat narcolepsy.

Sleep Walking
This condition is characterized by a deep sleep while performing common activities when awake, such as walking, brushing teeth, or out of the house. Generally, the patient does not realize what they have done during sleep and was surprised when someone else tells them about their sleep habits. In addition to biological factors, psychological processes, especially dissociation (altered state of consciousness in part or whole) contribute to cause sleep walking. This condition requires a thorough diagnosis, such as laboratory tests, so that examination could be more perfect.

Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder
People with this condition characterized by difficulty sleeping at night, making it difficult to get up early. This condition is considered normal if you experience it once in a while, but if you experience it almost every night so there should be a serious concern.    

Hopefully useful! Don't forget to follow Beautiful Ala Indonesian on twitter or facebook fan page. Thank you! 

3 Sleeping Disorders

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Monday, June 25, 2012

3 Sleeping Disorders - Sleep is an important activity for humans. If we are experiencing lack of sleep or sleep disorders, then the days will seem to be slower and less enthusiastic.

3 sleeping disorders

According to research, almost every humans had experienced trouble sleeping. One in three people reported experience sleep disorders and one of nine people have sleep problems that quite serious. Here are 3 of sleep disorders that could be dangerous if not handled properly.

This sleep disorder is the most popular among the people, is transitional and primary. Typically, transitional insomnia caused by stress due to the many activities. However, when stress can be overcome, this sleep disorder will be lost. While for primary insomnia, a sleep disorder that has a long-term effects and very difficult to treat. You can treat insomnia by changing your lifestyle to a healthy lifestyle and maintain a psychological condition, so that its negative impacts, such as mood changes and decreased concentration, can be overcome.

Sleep Apnea
This sleep disorder characterized by difficulty in breathing while sleeping. Apnea occurs when the respiratory tract is closed, so that no air reaches the lungs. As a result, the patient will feel sleepy and tired easily all day. These conditions require special care in hospital.

Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD)
People with PLMD usually often make spontaneous movements during sleep and not realize it. Alcohol and caffeine can aggravate these symptoms. This condition can also be treated with drugs that are used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease.  

Hopefully useful! Tomorrow I will continue the four other sleep disorders that may be you are experiencing. Don't forget to follow Beautiful Ala Indonesian on twitter or facebook fan page. Thank you!

Foods To Increase Fertility In Men

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Friday, June 8, 2012

brazil nuts improve male fertility
If previously I've written about the foods that can increase fertility in women, this time I will talk about foods that can increase fertility in men.

These foods are :

Fresh fruit
This is the best option for men who want to improve their fertility. High content of vitamin C is very helpful to prevent sperm clumping, guaranteeing potential, and improve the quality of sperm. Increase your daily supply of nutrients by eating kiwi, mango, strawberries, or grapefruit.

Brazil nuts
I'm not kidding, these foods can actually help increase sperm count. Rich in selenium, Brazil nuts known to increase testosterone as well as the performance of your testicles.

Although the aroma of garlic is less pleasant for some people, but a few doses of garlic can actually improve your fertility.

Fish oil  
Salmon, mackerel, and sardines can be helpful for you to be healthy and fertile. Fish oil contains essential fatty acids (EFA), which helps increase blood circulation to the reproductive system and increases the formation of sperm quality.

Eating dishes that contains chili can actually make your passion rise, by any means! By accelerating the flow of blood to the area of reproduction, chili could greatly improve the efficacy and quality of your sperm production.   

Don't Do This After Exercise!

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Tuesday, June 5, 2012

don't do this after exercise
Don't Do This After Exercise - You may have to spend an hour a day for exercise. But what about the other 23 hours of when you do not exercise?

Well, below are the things that you should not do after exercise :

1. Drinking Sports Drink
Do not rush to consume a sports drink if your body is not completely lost electrolytes. Sports drink generally contain chemical sweeteners which not good for health. We recommend you only consume water to replace lost body fluids.

2. Do not immediately eat
After heavy exercise, your body was ready for refueling. But remember do not directly take the heavy fatty foods, it is wise to only consume a healthy light snack first. A little protein and complex carbohydrates is enough to restore your muscles.

3. Evening snack
Choose a light and healthy snacks in the evening. Do not let this night snack choices ruin your calorie burn during the day.

4. Sleep Deprivation
Sleep is not just means of rest, but also the recovery of energy to exercise again on the next day. Sleep also produce high levels of growth hormone which believed to be a key component of muscle growth and repair.     

Hopefully this short article is quite informative for you! Don't forget to follow Beautiful Ala Indonesian on twitter or facebook fan page. Thank you!

Sports That Make You Happy

Posted by Hendra Wibowo

dance can makes you happy
Sports That Make You Happy - Do you always feel angry every day? Chaotic mood for no reason? This could be because you rarely do exercise. You can try to do some of these sports, these sports can raise your mood and make you feel happier

The following are sports that make you happy :

When did you last visit to a swimming pool? Swimming is a healthy sport. Swimming also can burn up to 300 calories per hour. "Swimming helps your body relax and tighten your muscles. Swimming is also good for people with asthma." said Althea Shah, fitness trainer at Gold's Gym.

If you want to do sports a little bit different, maybe you can try to dance. Whatever kind of dance, this is an effective way to have fun and make you feel better. Dancing is not only limited in the club, but you can do in the gym and even at home. Choose your favorite music and dance, wear clothes that make you comfortable and dance! "You can learn a type of dance and use it for exercise. Salsa is one of the favorites. Find a partner and create intimacy that raise your mood," said Althea.

Outdoor Sports
Outdoor sports that stimulate adrenalin and have the nature of adventure is perfect for relieving stress. Try bungee jumping, parasailing, rafting, hiking, rock climbing, and surfing. "This sport requires energy and muscle. This activity works on the feet, hands and stomach so the body can be fit," she added.

Walking is an activity that is necessary to clear your mind and makes you relax. Walking also helps to raise your mood. Try walking while listening to music on your iPod, let your mind calm and breathe a deep breath. Let's do regular walks every morning or evening in a city park or the neighborhood. You will find it useful.

Skipping not only can makes you sweating, but also makes your body fit. "Start slowly jumped at least 100 times with a gap in between." Skipping in a regular basis can release the endorphin hormone, a type of hormone that gives the sensation of feeling happy.

Thus, to restore our mood is very easy isn't it? Don't forget to follow Beautiful Ala Indonesian on twitter or facebook fan page. Thank you!

The Risk of High Protein Diet

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Monday, June 4, 2012

high protein diet program
Many people choose to undergo a high protein diet because they want to get the ideal body in a short time. Although the results are satisfying because can lose weight instantly, but this diet can also be dangerous.

"The kidneys must work harder to filter out the high-protein, the result is the deposition of calcium and magnesium in the kidneys, which can lead to crystals or kidney stones," said Dr. dr. Saptawati Bardosono, MSc from the Department of Nutritional Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia on an educational media in Jakarta.

Saptawati explained, 80 percent the causes of stones in the urinary tract is due to deposition of calcium. She said that a high protein diet was not only able to increase the production of kidney stones, but also can increase the risk of colon cancer. 

This high-protein dieters are consuming more meat or a type of protein source, but often forget about carbohydrates, fiber, and adequate fluid intake to the body.

As a result, the body will become weak due to lack of carbohydrates. Intestine will hoard more fat due to lack of fiber intake, and the onset of dehydration due to too high levels of protein in the body.  

"Indeed many people who undergo high-protein diet has a great body, but eventually many of them that had to undergo hemodialysis or dialysis therapy," she said. 

So, for those of you who are currently undergoing a high protein diet program, you should still consider the intake of carbohydrates and fiber to your body. 

Hopefully useful! Don't forget to follow Beautiful Ala Indonesian on twitter or facebook fan page. Thank you! 

Why Women Hard to Lose Weight

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Sunday, June 3, 2012

reason why a woman is difficult to lose weight
Women sometimes find it difficult to lose weight than men. This is not just a feeling. Apparently, many scientific factors that cause women are more difficult to burn body fat than men.

Here are the five scientific reasons why women are difficult to lose weight.

1. Women have more fat than muscle

Women have more fat than muscle in the body. Muscle tissue is more active than fat tissue. Calories are stored in the muscles burn more easily. That's why men are easier to lose weight than women.

Compared to men, the amount of body fat in women nearly doubled. This fat is needed to help during pregnancy and lactation.

2. Fat distribution

Fat distribution in women and men are different. Women have more body fat at the bottom. Meanwhile, men accumulate fat in the upper body.

There is a fundamental difference in the nature of fat hanging from its location in the body. Upper body fat will burn faster than lower body fat. This can be seen in women who are in a weight loss program. Weight loss tends to be observed from the measurements of the upper body, which is more easily reduced.

3. Women have a smaller body shape than men

Generally, women have smaller body size than men. Larger body size makes men easier to lose body heat. The loss of body heat can increase the metabolism. So it makes men easier to lose weight.

4. The body's hormones     

By nature, the male hormone helps them to lose weight. Testosterone and growth hormone can increase the metabolic rate. Hormones that can increase muscle mass. Because men produce more testosterone than women, they tend to burn more fat than women.

During pregnancy and the menstrual cycle, hormonal changes in women's bodies make fat cells retain the amount of water. The existence of water content in the fat causing the fat cells enlarging. As a result, this will cause the metabolism of fat to be difficult.

The progesterone hormone which produced by a women also can trigger hunger. Not only that, progesterone makes women feel sleepy and lazy to exercise. This is what makes women difficult to lose weight.   

5. Pregnancy factor

Fat cells increases during pregnancy. After pregnancy, fat cells are still exist in the body. Every time you overeat, the fat cells will be growing and make your weight increase.

Recognize Symptoms of Malnutrition in Children

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Saturday, June 2, 2012

symptoms of malnutrition in children
Malnutrition in children can affect brain development. As a result, the child will experience interference include permanent brain damage, lack of myelin and dendrites, as well as neuritransmitter dysfunction. Nutrition should be given regularly include iodine, iron, vitamins, and protein.

Iodine deficiency, for example, can result in reduced levels of children's intelligence and body growth is inhibited. Others, vitamin A deficiency will cause the child's vision is reduced, can even cause blindness.

Children with malnutrition are also easily identified by looking at physical characteristics of children displayed. The first characteristic is the child's face looks much older than actual age.

In children with good nutrition, their faces bright and fresh. Malnourished children tend to show a wrinkled face, like an old man who was having a lot of problems. They also are not agile like normal children.

Mental development of children with malnutrition tends to inhibited. It can be recognized by the dominant attitude of the child, such as too indifferent to their surroundings, irritability, or crying easily.

"Children become desensitized, due to lack of stimulation due to malnutrition," said Dr. Pastiwo Sidi Pramono, SpA from the Jakarta Islamic Hospital Cempaka Putih to Republika.    

Hopefully this article can help you to recognize the symptoms of malnutrition in children. See also vitiligo causes

Periodontal and Pregnancy Problems

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Monday, May 28, 2012

periodontal = harder to get pregnant
Oral health is very important for everyone, including women. According to a recent study, women with poor dental health are more likely to face problems when they are planning a pregnancy.

The study led by researchers from Australia shows that periodontal disease (gum disease caused by damage to the tooth root tissue) can inhibit fertility.

In that study, researchers enrolled 1.956 women (mean age 31 years) who are planning to get pregnant. Researchers have found about 146 women took more than a year to get pregnant. Of this amount, it is known that these women are struggling to cure periodontal disease. Women who have periodontal problems takes 42 percent longer time to get pregnant.

The results have been published in the journal Human Reproduction (May 2012 edition). Women with periodontal complications take approximately 7 months to get pregnant, compared to women with good dental health, which is only 5 months. However, other factors such as obesity, smoking, or old age can also increase the time to get pregnant.

Researchers still do not know what the relationship between dental health of women with fertility problems. But researchers believe that the type of oral bacteria that cause dental problems can also cause inflammation, which not only affects the health of the placenta but may increase the risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

Based on this study the women are encouraged to always pay attention to oral health, especially to get the right treatment when suffering periodontal disease at an early stage.    

Hopefully useful! Don't forget to follow Beautiful Ala Indonesian on twitter or facebook fan page. Thank you! 

Nutritional Needs of Men and Women (2)

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Sunday, May 27, 2012

differences in the nutritional needs of men and women
In the previous post you already know the different needs of calcium, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids in men and women. So this post will discuss three more differences nutritional needs of men and women.

What are they?

Vitamin D 
Vitamin D helps calcium absorption, so it needed to prevent osteoporosis.

Women should consume at least 50 mg of vitamin D each day. However, the best way to get vitamin D is directly from the sunlight. Vitamin D can also be obtained by eating dairy products. "Dairy products and seafood contain vitamin D which is good for you," says Kochhar.  

Fiber in the diet is known to prevent breast cancer. High-fiber foods can also reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the body, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease.

Fiber also helps women who have diabetes during pregnancy to control blood sugar. Young women are required to consume 25 grams of fiber per day.

Consumption of whole grains, vegetables, fresh fruit, salad, and cereal can make sense of full longer because of the high fiber content.

Women need more protein and fewer carbohydrates than men. In pregnant and lactating women, the need for protein also increases. 

Soy beans and eggs are foods that are rich in protein. In addition, the protein can also be obtained from fish, milk and its products. 

Hopefully useful! Don't forget to follow Beautiful Ala Indonesian on twitter or facebook fan page. Thank you! 

Nutritional Needs of Men and Women (1)

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Saturday, May 26, 2012

nutritional needs of men and women
With different body condition, of course, the nutritional needs of men and women are not the same. It's important to know these differences, so you can meet the nutritional needs for yourself and your partner.

Here are some differences in the nutritional needs of men and women :

Women are more susceptible to osteoporosis than men. "Women who work have to consume 1500 mg of calcium per day and exercise regularly," says nutritionist, Payal Shroff.

Meanwhile, men need only 800 mg of calcium per day. Because if too much calcium, it can cause prostate cancer.

Rizwana Abazer Biviji, nutritionists, also suggested the consumption of mushrooms, white sesame seeds, milk and soy milk for the vegetarian. For non-vegetarian, fish, shrimp, crab, and lobster can be consumed because of the high calcium content.

Because women menstruate every month, they tend to suffering anemia. According to Kocchar, nutritionists, women should consume 18 mg of iron per day before menopause. Meanwhile, men only need 8 mg of iron per day.

Foods that contain iron can be obtained from green vegetables. "If you can not meet the required amount of iron from food, ask your doctor to prescribe an iron supplement," he said.

For non-vegetarians, the need for iron can also be obtained from chicken and mutton. Both have a high iron content.

Omega-3 fatty acids
Nuts and fish rich in omega-3 fatty acid that helps blood circulation and boost the immune system. Omega-3 needs can be met by eating salmon, herring or mackerel, twice a week. Or, it could also eat a variety of nuts as much as 100 grams per day.

"For men, omega-3 fatty acids could paralyze the system in their bodies, so they do not need to consume more than 70 grams of beans per day," says Kochhar.

For vegetarians, Biviji advised to consume olive oil, walnuts, and flaxseed.        

Hopefully the article "nutritional needs of men and women" is useful to you! Don't forget to follow Beautiful Ala Indonesian on twitter or facebook fan page. Thank you!

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