Showing posts with label fruits benefits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fruits benefits. Show all posts

Apples Prevent Blood Clotting

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Sunday, June 10, 2012

benefits of apples
Eating an apple a day was able to reduce the risk of developing blood clots. Blood clotting is an early stage which can increase the risk of heart disease.

A team at Harvard Medical School have discovered a chemical, called a routine, an anti-clotting agent in the arteries and veins.

Routine can be found in apples, oranges, onions, black and green tea, which is expected to be an alternative treatment in the future to protect against heart attacks.

In that study, the researchers found that these chemicals helps to block harmful enzymes involved in the formation of blood clots. These enzymes - rotein disulfide isomerase (RDI) - is released very quickly when blood clots form in arteries and veins.

"Routine compounds proved to be the most potentially anti-blood clotting that we are testing. These findings suggest that the routine can treat and prevent this type of blood clots," said study leader Professor Robert Flaumenhaft.

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Lychees, Delicious and Nutritious

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Saturday, June 2, 2012

lychees benefits
Eating fresh lychee fruits directly may not be too general, we usually eat lychees that already in processed form. Though lychee is one of the legendary fruit in China.

But regardless from the well-known or not, lychees have excellent benefits for the body. According to research from the University of Zhejiang Gonshang and West China Hospital in Sichuan University, lychees have a tremendous benefit.

From the research, it is known that lychees have a mineral needed for bone growth and formation of the body. The minerals contained in the lychees include calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium.

Not only that, lychees are also good for beauty. Consumption of lychee can refine the skin, enriches the blood and restore the body's stamina. Lychee is also known to prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body. From this research, it is known if lychees contain flavonoids that are proven highly effective against breast cancer. Lychee is also a source of vitamin C, vitamin C can fight heart disease and cancer. Vitamin C is also good for bone and skin tissue.

Lychee is a fruit with a very low fat content. Thus, consumption of lychees good for someone who is running a healthy diet. In addition lychees are also good for people who are in weak condition, and very good if consumed by the elderly.

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Kiwi Fruit Benefits

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Sunday, May 20, 2012

kiwi for children
Kiwi fruit is a fruit that is quite unique, have green flesh behind the furry brown skin. This fruit has many important nutrients that are beneficial to the body.

Talking about nutrition, kiwi fruit equally with other fruits. If you want to eat the sweet taste of this fruit, choose a perfectly ripe kiwi. The size is not an important factor, even a small kiwi sometimes better than a large kiwi.

When buying this fruit make sure you choose correctly. Press the kiwi with your thumb, if you feel there is little pressure, the kiwi is ripe, and if not, then the kiwi is not ready to eat.

The essential nutrients contained in kiwi fruit and its benefits include :

Vitamin C
Kiwi is a rich source of vitamin C. In fact, vitamin C in kiwi two times more than oranges. Research shows that a kiwi a day enough to meet the needs of the recommended dietary intake.

Vitamin C that is contained in the kiwi also provide a protective effect against respiratory disorders, such as asthma. A study published in April 2004 found that children who eat oranges and kiwi fruit (5-7 servings per week) had 44 percent less cases of wheezing (breathing sound) than children who ate less than a serving a week.   

Kiwi, like bananas, rich in potassium. However, when compared with the bananas, this fruit low in calories. Low calorie content makes kiwi also low in sodium that are beneficial for heart health. Sodium maintains blood pressure, preventing you from the risk of heart disease. 

Folic Acid
Kiwi is a fruit that contains folic acid, so this fruit highly recommended for consumption by women before and during pregnancy. Folic acid prevents neural defects in babies and help meet the adequacy of vitamin for pregnant women. Folic acid that consumed by pregnant women also have an impact on brain development and prevents heart problems in babies. 

According to the study, a diet rich in fiber helps in treating constipation and inflammation of the pouch in the digestive tract. The fiber in fruit also helps lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and some cancers. 

Fiber also lowers blood sugar levels, thereby reducing the risk of diabetes. In addition, fiber helps to make you feel full faster. Thus, this fruit also helps in losing weight.

Zinc in the kiwi will help men to produce testosterone. Zinc also has other benefits to the skin, hair, teeth and nails. 

Hopefully useful! Don't forget to follow Beautiful Ala Indonesian on twitter or facebook fan page. Thank you! 

Foods That Can Counteract Flu

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Saturday, May 5, 2012

Entering the transition season, one of the diseases that most often attacks is flu and fever. To prevent a fever, you need to boost the immune system. Several foods below are recommended by a professor of nutrition at the Culinary Institute of America, Suki Hertz, to be consumed at breakfast in order to increase the immune system.

Oranges contain vitamin C and contain powerful antioxidants, but low in calories.

Egg yolk is a good source of minerals that support the immune system. Protein content in egg white is also very high. Eating eggs is very good for improving stamina. To give a good immune system, a combination of baked eggs, spinach and tomatoes may be tried.

Tofu is a complete protein. Tofu is a source of calcium and omega-3 fatty acids. All existing content can strengthen the immune system.

Papaya has anti-inflammatory substances. Papaya is also an excellent source of vitamin C. Papaya contain beta carotene, a phytonutrient that can be converted into vitamin A in your body and can keep the eyes and skin moisture.

Kiwi contains between 90-110 milligrams of vitamin C. This fruit contains essential minerals to increase muscle strength and nerve. Kiwi is very good to boost immunity because they contain flavonoids and carotenoids as antioxidants that help the health of the respiratory organs and heart.

Cheese contains selenium, a powerful antioxidant that can strengthen the immune system.

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How to Overcome Diabetes Naturally

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Thursday, May 3, 2012

how to overcome diabetes naturally
How to Overcome Diabetes Naturally - Based on studies in the U.S. recently, often consuming blueberries, apples, and pears can reduce your risk of developing diabetes. "Those who eat more blueberries or apples at lower risk for developing diabetes," said An Pan, researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health.

An Pan stated that these fruits are rich in flavonoids, a chemical compound that can be found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Flavonoids may reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and can lower high blood pressure. "Blueberries and apples may reduce the risk of diabetes up to 23 percent," said An Pan.

American Diabetes Association states that there are around 26 million Americans who suffer from diabetes, a disease caused by the body's inability to produce insulin (a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels). An Pan suggest to people who have diabetes to frequently consume these fruits. "In addition to preventing, high flavonoid in these fruits are very good for people with diabetes," said An Pan.

Meanwhile, a professor at New York University, Dr. Loren Greene, said that the natural sugar contained in fruits may increase blood glucose levels quickly. In addition, other substances contained in fruits such as fiber and pectin can provide good benefits for diabetics. "It's better to eat fruit than drink fruit juice," she said.

Actually diabetes is influenced by several factors, such as weight, smoking habits, and heredity. To control it, in addition to consuming fruits, diabetes can be controlled with regular exercise and a healthy diet.

Hopefully this article about "How to Overcome Diabetes Naturally" helpful for you!

Natural Ways to Overcome Acne

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Monday, April 30, 2012

Natural Ways to Overcome Acne -Acne is a classic problem. There are so many acne medications that circulated widely in the market, prices also vary from cheap to quite expensive. However, if you choose natural ways to deal with acne, then you can try some traditional recipes below. These methods may be more popular in Southeast Asia, because some of the ingredients it only exists in the region.

1. Bilimbi
natural ways to overcome acne
Combine bilimbi that has been mashed with a little salt water. Use this as a mask on the face. According to some dermatologists, bilimbi have a cool character, and efficacious as anti-inflammatory and astrigen (minimize the pores on the skin).

2. Lemon
lemon traditional acne remedies
Lemon contains elements of chemical compounds such as limonene, linalin acetate, acetic geranil, fellandren, sitral, and citric acid. Lemon juice that is applied to face can be used as a way to overcome acne. Use at night before bed and cleaned in the morning.

3. Mengkudu/Noni
mengkudu traditional acne remedies
Use mengkudu or noni fruit that has been smoothed as a mask to the face. This mask not only to solve the problem of acne, but also skin fungus, and dry skin. In addition, the noni mask is also beneficial for smoothing the skin, eliminate wrinkles, and make the facial muscles become more relaxed.

4. Cucumber
cucumber traditional acne remedies
Cucumber, besides containing lots of water, also contains vitamins A, B1, C and several substances, such as saponins, proteins, fats, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and sulfur.

Associated with acne, choose a young cucumber. Wash thoroughly, then cut into pieces. Gently, apply on the face that is covered with acne. Do it at least 3 times a day.

5. Turmeric
turmeric traditional acne remedies
Turmeric is a spice that is included in the ginger family. Turmeric has been used since thousands of years ago as a natural herbal remedy. In India, turmeric is an essential element in traditional medicine called Ayurveda. Many Indian women who use turmeric to treat acne. Turmeric can be used as an alternative herbs that can cure acne naturally. Curcumin in turmeric is a fantastic anti-inflammatory agent.

With the ability as an anti-inflammatory, turmeric is suitable to fight acne. To be more effective, acne should be treated both inside and outside. This is where the advantages of turmeric. Turmeric can be used for both the treatment of acne from the outside or inside the body. Mix a pinch of turmeric powder with a glass of milk and drink it every day. This herb is effective for treating acne from the inside. For external treatment, apply a paste or grated turmeric on acne.

Hopefully this article is useful! Do not forget to follow Beautiful Ala Indonesian on twitter or facebook fan page. Thank you!

Benefits of Yellow Vegetables and Fruits for Health

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Friday, April 20, 2012

Color in fruits and vegetables are different. The color of each type of fruit and vegetables signaled that the food contains own benefit that differentiates it from other fruits and vegetables.

banana, corn, mango for health
Yellow-colored fruits and vegetables are widely consumed. Including citrus, mango, star fruit, yellow peppers, corn and pumpkins. Here are some of the benefits of yellow fruits and vegetables for health, a marked loss if you ignore.
  1. Yellow color in fruits and vegetables indicate that these foods contain beta-carotene. These compounds provide benefits for healthy eyes, muscles and lungs. For office workers who every day staring at the screen continuously, beta carotene in orange or lemon helps keep your eyes healthy.
  2. Yellow fruits and vegetables also contain zeaxanthin, flavonoids and lycopene, which are not owned by all types of fruits and vegetables. Flavonoids are chemicals that serve as anti-inflammatory. So, when you are allergic, try to eat yellow fruits and vegetables. More importantly, flavonoids help stop cancer cell growth. 
  3. Yellow fruit, like pineapple and starfruit, was rich in potassium. These fruits are also rich in vitamin C which protects the body cells, so that the body condition is maintained.
  4. Men at risk of having prostate cancer. Research shows that yellow foods help reduce the possibility of prostate cancer risk substantially.
  5. For women who always want to look younger, try to combine the nutrients in yellow fruits and vegetables. This will help slow the muscle degeneration due to age and keeps you fit the routine. 
  6. Calcium is rarely found in fruits, but magnesium in yellow fruit such as bananas, helps keep our bones strong and healthy, as well as facilitating the formation of collagen for joint health. So, if you do not want to lose the flexibility of the body too quickly, then consume the yellow fruits and vegetables.    

Benefits of White Vegetables and Fruits For Health

Posted by Hendra Wibowo

White vegetables or fruit appears to be less popular. Mindset of the people sometimes just a look from outside and immediately assume the food isn't delicious. In fact, white vegetables and fruits have good nutrition for the body, not less than green vegetables.

Many people misunderstand that just because the white color of the vegetables are considered to have no pigment. These foods still have a white pigment. Typically, white-colored vegetables contain anthoxanthins, a chemical that can make your heart healthy by lowering your cholesterol and blood pressure.

1. Mushroom
mushrooms for health
Mushrooms is a vegetable with a relatively expensive price, but the most nutritious. Mushrooms are a source of potassium that powerful to fighting cancer. The study also showed that mushrooms could increase the production and activity of white blood cells. In addition, the mushrooms is also very good against infection, lose weight, overcome flu and fight free radicals.

2. Potato and Banana
potato for health
Both are very good sources for energy (carbohydrates) and rich in potassium. Potatoes and bananas are also able to relieve migraines and headaches caused by stress.

3. Garlic
garlic for health
Garlic was an anti-bacterial, anti fungal, anti inflammatory and anti several types of diseases caused by germs. Eating garlic is also good for heart health naturally.

4. Cauliflower / Cabbage
cabbage for health
These vegetables are good food that will provide the basis of fiber and vitamins but low in calories. Cabbage also give good impact to health, are like anti-cancer, lower bad cholesterol levels, treating skin diseases, helping the health of the digestive, cleanse the influence of alcohol in the blood and reduce the risk of cataracts.

5. Radish
This vegetable is a cousin of the carrot. Radishes contain lots of vitamin C. Radishes are also known to contain high diatase enzymes to aid digestion and prevents accumulation of fat in body tissues.

6. Bean Sprouts
bean sprout for health
Sprouts may increase fertility due to a source of vitamin E. Soybean sprouts contain more energy, protein and fat than green bean sprouts.  Soybean sprouts also efficacious to reduce hypertension, because of the peptide content in the soybean sprouts act as a barrier to angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE).

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