The Habits That Cause Flu

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Saturday, May 5, 2012

habits that cause flu
Flu is a disease that is often experienced, especially in the transition seasons. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. Many things can be done to prevent the flu.

Did you know that the eye could also catch the flu virus? As quoted from, there are channels in the eye that is connected to nasal cavity. The cavity can be a way for the entry of germs that cause flu. Therefore, avoid touching the eyes and the nose is one way of preventing the flu.

Part of a virus attack humans, including the flu, is caused by direct contact with other people or things that contain lots of germs. Frequent washing of hands after touching doorknobs, computer or other objects is a good step defenses.

Remember, after hand washing, dry with dryer or private towel. Don't dry hands with a towel that used together.

If you are difficult to avoid contact with someone with the flu, because you're on a trip, you can use a mask and gloves. Using gloves can also reduce contact with germs in the chair. If accidental contact with flu patient, you should wash your hands more often than usual. More practically, there is now a hand sanitizer that can be directly applied to the hand without a rinse.

In order for a strong immune system against viruses, you should frequently exercise. It would be better if the exercise be done in the open in order to get vitamin D from sunlight. Vitamin D proven to build up the immune system that are resistant to the flu.

For those of you who missed exercise, vitamin D can be obtained from oily fish, dairy foods, cereal and margarine. Avoid stress because it can lower the immune system.

Research conducted by Prof. Ron Eccles, director of the study flu center, Cardiff University, concluded the flu virus is more easy to breed in a cold nose. To avoid the flu, you should use a scarf or mask to keep the nose temperatures stay warm. 

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