Hair Types and How To Treat Them

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Saturday, May 12, 2012

hair care tips
Natural Hair - Beautiful and healthy hair is everyone's dream, both men and women. But every person is born different, they also have different hair types. Therefore, before performing hair care, you should identify your hair type in order to get maximum results. Here are 4 types of hair and how to treat them :

1. Dry hair

Characteristics : hair looks dull, rigid, brittle, and branched at the ends.

Causes and treatments :
Caused by the shortage of oil on the scalp. Could be because of pollution, stress, diet that is too strict. It could also because chemical processes such as curling, straightening, blow, hair coloring, and styling products that use excessively. Thing to do is use a shampoo that contains yogurt, because yogurt is believed to soften, refresh, and nourish the hair. 

2.  Oily hair

Characteristics :  hair feel greasy, limp and is easily soiled.

Causes and treatments :
Caused by excessive activity of the oil glands. Could be caused by heredity, may also because external factors such as stress, lack of vitamins, diets that is too tight and sweaty scalp due to continuous closed. When it left to continue without proper treatment, the dandruff will easily appear on the scalp and hair also becomes easy to fall off. All you have to do is wash your hair frequently enough so the dirt that is trapped in each strand of hair and scalp can be removed. Washing your hair can also keep the oil levels in the scalp is not excessive. 

3. Dandruff hair 

Characteristics : hair looks dry, dull, and when scratched the scalp, the white spots will appear.

Causes and treatments :
Choose the wrong shampoo, washing hair too often, blow and suffered a chemical process. That should be done is to choose the right shampoo and suitable for the scalp, and use it regularly.

4. Brittle hair   

Characteristics : hair looks dull, easily broken and split ends.

Causes and treatments: 
Too often have chemical processes like curling, hair straightening (rebonding), coloring, hair bleach, etc.. This process ongoing within a relatively close so the hair does not get a chance to fix the cells. What is required is stop doing any chemical process on the hair. If necessary cut the hair that cracks and restore the vitality of the hair through the use of nutrients and the right shampoo. Choose a shampoo that contains ginseng and protein complexes that can make the hair stronger and not easily to fall out, regular treatments can make fragile hair strong again. 

Hopefully useful! Don't forget to follow Beautiful Ala Indonesian on twitter or facebook fan page. Thank you!

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