According to the experience of some people, aloe vera is very effective to solve the problem of blackheads, but I myself was reluctant to try it because the smell of aloe vera is quite stinging and unpleasant in my nose. For those of you who are not concerned about the smell of aloe vera, please just try to treat acne with aloe vera therapy. This method is guaranteed to be safe because it comes from nature and classified as a very inexpensive and easy to overcome your acne. Moreover acne treatment using aloe vera is also no side effects. You can use aloe vera at any time with safe, as long as hygienic and not over.
Aloe vera has been used for centuries to help accelerate the healing process of the skin due to burns. In a historical note written on clay in around 1750 bc has been mentioned about the benefits of aloe vera plant for treatment. And had also noted that a doctor from Greek in 74 bc mention the use of aloe vera plant to handle skin infections, burns and prevent hair loss. And in 1935, modern medical has been researching the benefits of aloe vera for burns overcome. Since then, many research done to find out the efficacy of aloe vera for healthy skin, including acne treatments and so on.
Gel that is in the leaves of the aloe vera plant has a function as an antibacterial and astringent to neutralize the fat, so it is good for preventing and treating acne. In addition, aloe vera also contains vitamins A and E which are proven can help to nourish your skin.
The use of aloe vera to overcome and prevent acne for not getting worse are:
- Treat your face with a mask of aloe vera gel taken from the leaves regularly so excessive oil on your skin can disappear or be reduced so that your skin will feel fresh, healthy and clean.
- If your acne has appeared on your face, paste aloe vera gel on the acne site every morning and evening. Don't be surprised if at first your acne may look worse, but if aloe vera treatment is continued on a regular basis then the acne problem will disappear gradually. This is because the astringent properties of the aloe vera removes fat or blackheads that has accumulated and prevent inflammation of the skin, while the antibacterial properties suppress the proliferation of bacteria in your acne.
Hopefully useful! Don't forget to follow Beautiful Ala Indonesian on twitter or facebook fan page. Thank you!
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