Traditional Recipes for Acne Treatment

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Sunday, April 1, 2012

Traditional Recipes for Acne Treatment - If previously i've written some natural acne treatment, see here. Then, this can be called as a continuation of the post. This time I wrote two simple traditional recipes that you can possibly use to get rid of acne on your face forever. Have a clean facial skin without acne is everyone's dream isn't it? Because I'm sure you all would not want your beautiful face decorated with acne, which certainly will make you look less beautiful.

The first recipe

solutions for acnePapaya leaves. In a few posts on this blog, i have written some benefits of papaya leaves to our health. Well, one of the papaya leaves benefits is can be used to treat acne.

How to use :
  1. Take 2-3 pieces of old papaya leaves, dry in the sun.  
  2. Mash the papaya leaves, mixed with water, then squeezed and filtered to get the juice. 
  3. Apply it on acne on your face regularly before bedtime.

    The second recipe

    solutions for acneRadish. You certainly know this fruit as part of a salad. Apparently, radish is also beneficial to overcome the problem of acne.

    How to use :
    1. Take a few radishes as needed, then grated and squeezed to get juice. 
    2. Add a little apple vinegar and stir until blended. 
    3. Apply this mixture on the acne, leave to dry. 
    4. Rinse with clean water. 
    5. Do it regularly.
    Hopefully the article "traditional recipes for acne treatment" is pretty useful!

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