More About Soursop (Natural Cancer Cure)

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Monday, April 2, 2012

soursop tea cancer cure
More About Soursop (Natural Cancer Cure) - As i discussed in the previous post, that soursop is useful as a natural cancer cure (see here). Today, i want to share a simple recipe that is often practiced by traditional Indonesian therapists in treating cancer patients.  

But before, it's good i have to say first a few facts about the wonders of this fruit for the health of our bodies. For centuries, the Indian tribes in the Amazon have been trusting and using bark, roots, leaves, fruit pulp, and seeds of the soursop as a herbal medicine. They believe that parts of the soursop tree can cure heart disease, asthma, impaired liver function (liver), and rheumatism. It is actually more or less the same as in Indonesia, many Indonesian traditional healers also often use parts of the soursop tree as medicine.

Results From Multiple Research

Research conducted by health experts / independent laboratories in several countries under the supervision of the National Cancer Institute has produced the following conclusions:
  • Compounds in soursop can effectively choose a target and kill the bad cells from 12 different cancer types, such as: Colon, Breast, Prostate, Lung, and Pancreas.
  • Attacking cancer cells safely and effectively, without the consequences of nausea, weight loss, or hair loss, as is common in chemo therapy.
  • Protecting the immune system and prevent deadly infections.
  • Increase energy and create improved physical appearance.
  • Power works 10,000 times stronger in slowing the growth of cancer cells compared with adriamycin and chemo therapy are commonly used.
  • Unlike chemo therapy, this juice selectively only "hunt" and kill the bad cells and not kill healthy cells.
In Indonesia (only in some cultural groups), eating soursop fruit is believed useful as an anti-bacterial, anti fungal, effective against many types of parasites / worms, lowering high blood pressure, depression, stress, and normalize the nervous system

And now, this has also proved medically. One more thing that is often used by traditional healers in Indonesia are the leaves of the soursop tree. Studies conducted at Catholic University in South Korea say that the leaves of the soursop tree contain chemicals called annonaceous acetogenin. Acetogenin Annonaceous is a potential compound for use as anti-tumor and cancer without harming healthy cells, the mechanism of how it works is by inhibiting and reducing energy intake for cancer cells.

Traditional Recipes

For those of you who are currently battling cancer, it might be worthwhile to try this traditional recipe:
  • Take ten leaves of soursop (select which has dark green), then washed.
  •  Boil together with three glasses of water (600cc).
  •  Let it sit for a while until the water remains one glasses (200cc), filtered.
  •  Then drink the water (of course after a bit cold).
  •  Continue to do every day (twice daily).
Effects that you will feel after taking this herb is, the stomach feels warm or hot, then the whole body will feel warm and you will start to sweat. Usually, after two weeks there will be changes that you feel in your body (the recognition of some patients who do this therapy). You can continue to consume up to three or four weeks. After that you can do a check-up on your personal doctor to find out more details about the development of your health.

Hopefully the article "More About Soursop (Natural Cancer Cure)" was useful for you!!

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