Some Tips for Healthy Vagina

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Thursday, March 8, 2012

some tips for healthy vagina

Some Tips for Healthy Vagina - A healthy female organs is that without a problem. Do not itch, does not tarnish, no inflammation, no irritation, and did not have flour albus. But sometimes women themselves have some habits that can make their female organs become unhealthy. 

Here are some tips to keep your vagina stay healthy:

  1. Wear cotton underwear, choose a little loose because it is better to prevent moisture in the vagina and the surrounding area. Also don't use stockings that cover your ass because it also can lead to moisture. It is better to choose stockings that just until your thighs only.
  2. It is advisable to change the panty liner every 2 hours. So fluid from the vagina are not in contact with the skin around your intimate area. It is necessary to note, especially if you are a woman who has a high activity. The more activity you do, the more liquid is produced.
  3. When traveling, it is advisable to bring a bottle of water. It's handy to clean vagina in public toilets to maintain cleanliness. Then use a tissue that has a dense fiber to dry.
  4. Not recommended to use liquid cleaners or soap vagina too often. Use it when you take a shower. This is because in your vagina there is a normal bacteria that works to protect your vagina from germs. When normal bacteria are dead, then evil germs will be easy to attack. Clean the area of ​​your vagina with a squat, do not do it standing.
Hopefully the article "Some Tips For Healthy Vagina" helpful for you!!

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