Benefits of White Vegetables and Fruits For Health

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Friday, April 20, 2012

White vegetables or fruit appears to be less popular. Mindset of the people sometimes just a look from outside and immediately assume the food isn't delicious. In fact, white vegetables and fruits have good nutrition for the body, not less than green vegetables.

Many people misunderstand that just because the white color of the vegetables are considered to have no pigment. These foods still have a white pigment. Typically, white-colored vegetables contain anthoxanthins, a chemical that can make your heart healthy by lowering your cholesterol and blood pressure.

1. Mushroom
mushrooms for health
Mushrooms is a vegetable with a relatively expensive price, but the most nutritious. Mushrooms are a source of potassium that powerful to fighting cancer. The study also showed that mushrooms could increase the production and activity of white blood cells. In addition, the mushrooms is also very good against infection, lose weight, overcome flu and fight free radicals.

2. Potato and Banana
potato for health
Both are very good sources for energy (carbohydrates) and rich in potassium. Potatoes and bananas are also able to relieve migraines and headaches caused by stress.

3. Garlic
garlic for health
Garlic was an anti-bacterial, anti fungal, anti inflammatory and anti several types of diseases caused by germs. Eating garlic is also good for heart health naturally.

4. Cauliflower / Cabbage
cabbage for health
These vegetables are good food that will provide the basis of fiber and vitamins but low in calories. Cabbage also give good impact to health, are like anti-cancer, lower bad cholesterol levels, treating skin diseases, helping the health of the digestive, cleanse the influence of alcohol in the blood and reduce the risk of cataracts.

5. Radish
This vegetable is a cousin of the carrot. Radishes contain lots of vitamin C. Radishes are also known to contain high diatase enzymes to aid digestion and prevents accumulation of fat in body tissues.

6. Bean Sprouts
bean sprout for health
Sprouts may increase fertility due to a source of vitamin E. Soybean sprouts contain more energy, protein and fat than green bean sprouts.  Soybean sprouts also efficacious to reduce hypertension, because of the peptide content in the soybean sprouts act as a barrier to angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE).

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