About Cervical Cancer

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Tuesday, May 15, 2012

about cervical cancer
Early detection by Pap smear every two years will be able to prevent attacks of cervical cancer, which is classified as malignant cancer.

"The growth of abnormal cells become cancerous is quite long. Therefore, patients who managed to detect it early can perform various actions to overcome them," said Dr. Indrawati Dardiri, Sp.OG from Premier Jatinegara Hospital, in Cervical Cancer & Women's Reproductive Health Seminar in Premier Jatinegara Hospital(4/5/2012).

Based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO), cervical cancer ranks top among the various types of cancer that causes death in women in the world. And Indonesia are the countries with the highest cervical cancer cases in the world.

"Every year more than 15.000 cases of cervical cancer detected in Indonesia, with about 8.000 of these cases end with the death," she said.

The main cause of cervical cancer caused by HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). This virus has more than 100 types that most of them are harmless and will disappear by itself.

Of the overall type, HPV 16 and 18 listed as a type of HPV virus that most dangerous. Another thing that can cause cervical cancer is abnormal cells on the cervix that could grow due to radiation exposure or contamination of chemicals that occur in a long time.

She also said that there is a relationship between smoking habits and increased risk of contracting cervical cancer. One study from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, published in the British Journal of Cancer 2001, prove that the substance of nicotine that enter into blood through the cigarette smoke can increase the possibility of the cervical neoplasia condition, or the abnormal growth of cells in the uterus which is the early development of cervical cancer. 

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