Don't Exercise With Empty Stomach!

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Monday, May 14, 2012

don't exercise with empty stomach
Exercise is good and healthy thing. Exercise is a natural way to make your skin and your body to be healthy and beautiful. However, one question often arises. Eating or not eating before exercise? This question is often asked by many people. And many people think that exercise on an empty stomach will speed up the fat burning.

According to a recent report published this year in a fitness journal in America, it is known that the body burns fat the same amount regardless of whether you eat before or after exercise. If you don't eat before exercise, the body loses muscle strength because in a state of starvation.

The study also found that without food before exercise, total exercise intensity and calorie burn will be reduced. Reduced muscle strength will also make the body lose energy to burn more fat.

Some studies also found that people who exercise with a hungry stomach, about 10 percent of the calories burned come from protein, including muscle.

Previous research has also shown that eating a snack before the big meal is also advantageous. Those who ate 45 grams of carbohydrates before the exercise, actually eat less for the rest of the day.

Not eating before the exercise makes the body lose a lot of energy that can trigger increased appetite. So, eat about 30 minutes before the exercise. The experts suggest to eating a light meal of wheat or a milkshake before exercise.  

Hopefully useful! Don't forget to follow Beautiful Ala Indonesian on twitter or facebook fan page. Thank you! 

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