Showing posts with label healthy food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy food. Show all posts

4 Best Food For the Brain

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Monday, April 16, 2012

4 Best Food For the Brain - Become an important part of the body, the brain is the center of all human activities. Therefore, the brain requires healthy food intake to make it work optimally.

The following are 4 of the best food for the brain :

Vitamin B Complex
Vitamin B complex consists of eight different vitamins. Eating foods that contain vitamin B complex can help improve brain function. This vitamin helps the body to convert choline (which is an amino acid that is found in food sources) to acetylcholine, a chemical neurotransmitter that aids in memory and learning. Vitamin B complex found in potatoes, grains, broccoli, spinach, mushrooms, bananas, processed soy products, eggs and almonds.

Whole Grains
brown rice
Whole grains like whole wheat bread, oatmeal, brown rice, and millet are the main energy source of food for the body and brain. This diet works to increase blood flow to the brain, which means support the quality and quantity of brain function. These grains also contain lots of vitamin B6, which is full of thiamine. Thiamine is great for anyone who seeks to improve memory.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids
To have a sharp memory and concentration, consume foods that are rich in omega 3 fatty acids which are able to control depression and stress. Be sure to always take fish oil, olive oil, garlic, tuna, turkey, salmon, eggs, rice, cereals, and pasta.

Foods such as brown rice, apples, bananas, raisins, seeds, and sprouts, are foods that contain carbohydrates. Body converts complex carbohydrates in food into glucose, which is the main fuel of the brain to improve the functioning of vigilance, memory and concentration. 

So be sure to always include "4 best food for the brain" into your food list!

5 Healthy Foods to Overcome Anemia

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Thursday, April 12, 2012

5 Healthy Foods to Overcome Anemia - Amount of blood is essential to make the body healthy and fit. Blood deficiency can lead to the risk of anemia. If your blood count is decreasing, you should eat nutritious foods that can increase the number of red blood cells in the body. 

So, what foods are needed to increase the number of red blood cells which can certainly overcome anemia?
1. Beetroot
anemia solution
Beetroot is a fruit that rich in iron and protein, which are needed by the body to increase blood cells and improves blood flow. This fruit also considered as a natural anti-venom and blood purifier. So make sure the beetroot is in your healthy foods list. Almost forgot, beetroot is also a good source of vitamin C.

2. Green vegetables
anemia solution
Green vegetables such as spinach, celery, cabbage, radishes, cauliflower, kale, lettuce and sweet potatoes are healthy for the body. By eating these vegetables, you can control your weight and also increase the amount of blood in the body, which certainly can overcome anemia. Green vegetables also helped keep the digestive system in order to stay active. 

3. Iron
anemia solution
Iron is a mineral that is essential for the body. Iron not only makes the bones become stronger but also supplies the oxygen in the circulatory system. Iron deficiency can cause anemia. So, eat foods that contain iron, such as red meat, dates, oysters, potatoes, asparagus, and raisins.

4. Almonds 
anemia solution
Almonds are rich in iron and can increase blood flow in the body. One ounce of almonds every day can help to fulfill 6 percent of the daily iron requirement.

5. Fruits
anemia solution
Patients with anemia not only advised to eat green vegetables, but also fresh fruit. Choose apricots, watermelon, apples, grapes, raisins, prunes and dried figs to increase blood flow in the body.      

Hopefully this article can help you to overcome anemia! Don't forget to follow Beautiful Ala Indonesian on twitter or facebook fan page. Thank you!

Yogurt To Overcome Acne

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Friday, April 6, 2012

yogurt to overcome acne

Yogurt To Overcome Acne - Everyone must know if yogurt has health benefits for the body. But not only can make people healthy, yogurt can also make people beautiful.

Want to know why?

Eating yogurt will help fight acne from the inside, because yogurt contains many vitamins and minerals that help to boost the immune system to fight bacteria including the bacteria that cause acne. In addition, the acid content of yogurt is a natural acid that will be effective for reducing blockages of oil in the pores. Yogurt also contains probiotics that help the digestive system to function better, so that the body can absorb the maximum nutrients. Therefore, consume yogurt along with a high in vitamins, minerals and protein diet. In addition to overcome acne, it can also keep skin soft, smooth and elastic.

Yogurt Mask to Treat Acne

For maximum effect, you can also use yogurt as a mask. The way is as follows:
  • Wash your face with facial cleanser, and pat dry the face with a towel.
  • Apply the natural flavors of yogurt (plain yogurt) to the entire face.
  • Leave it for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse and wash the face with warm water.
How easy isn't it? Perform this ritual every week and see for yourself if the yogurt successful to overcome the acne and facial redness. Another benefit is your skin will be brighter, softer and smoother than ever before.

You can also use your creativity to mix plain yogurt with honey, or your favorite fruit to get extra benefits from a mixture of these materials. 

Hopefully the article "Yogurt To Overcome Acne" is quite useful!

Menstrual Pain? Overcome With These Foods

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Thursday, April 5, 2012

Normally once a month every woman must be menstruating. Quite often when menstruating accompanied by excruciating pain and very annoying. Most women reduce the pain by taking drugs or herbs. But don't worry, there's actually a natural way to relieve menstrual pain.

Complex Carbohydrates

relieve menstrual painBefore and during menstruation, appear overwhelming desire to consume sugars and simple carbohydrates. You should be observant to the type of carbohydrates consumed.

"The best is to eat complex carbohydrates to maintain energy in order to remain stable. There are some foods that can be selected, such as oatmeal, sweet potatoes or whole wheat pasta and brown rice can be relied upon," said Marissa Lippert, a nutrition expert.

These foods not only contain fiber, but also a source of magnesium which is needed by the body at the menstrual cycle.

Nuts or Seeds

relieve menstrual pain
Choose nuts as a snack at the time of menstruation. These foods contain vitamin B6 are helpful to reduce symptoms of PMS. Nuts are not only good for the digestive system but also help stabilize the emotions, because the grains are rich in complex carbohydrates that increase serotonin, a chemical that causes pleasure and relaxation.

Milk or Yogurt

relieve menstrual pain
Both are sources of calcium. Research has shown that women who consume 1,200 mg of calcium per day of menstrual pain decreased by 30 percent. "If there is one nutrient that women need to beat menstrual pain is calcium," said Karen Ansel, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association.

Hopefully useful!

Anti-Aging Foods

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Wednesday, April 4, 2012

beautiful skin

Anti-Aging Foods - Being stay young and beautiful is the dream of most women in the world. As we get older, fine wrinkles begin to appear on the face. And to overcome this, various anti-aging methods are used, such as Botox injections and plastic surgery. Just to stay look young, many women are willing to spend a lot of money and bear the pain after surgery.

You know, instead of spending money and wasting time to see a doctor or go to a beauty clinic, there are natural ways to still look young. Here are some foods that can serve as a natural anti-aging agent, as reported by medicmagic.

1. Red grapes, raisins, and goji berry

These fruits contain polyphenols and antioxidants, which have remarkable properties for the body. Goji berry is one of the fruits that have properties to make people more beautiful, both from inside and outside the body. This fruit contains high antioxidant that works for anti-aging. Other than that, goji berry is also rich in beta carotene and carotenoids, which can turn into vitamin A and helps treat acne.

2. Plum fruit, guava, blackcurrant, red pepper, piterseli, kiwi and broccoli

These foods are rich in vitamin C. Thus, these foods also contain high antioxidants. It not only helps protect the body's defenses against oxidative stress and free radical damage caused by physical stress, vitamin C can also help prevent attacks on mental stress. Stress is one factor that makes your skin quickly becomes wrinkled.

3. Spring onions, cucumber skins, green beans and strawberries

All these foods are rich in silica. Known as silica or silicon dioxide (SiO2), is a mineral essential for healthy skin and a powerful anti-aging agent, serves to strengthen the cell tissue, tendons, cartilage, muscle, hair and nails. By increasing the level of silica in the body, then the elasticity of the skin will also improve. It can prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the skin.

Hopefully explanation of the "Anti-Aging Foods" is pretty useful!

Anti-Cholesterol Foods and Fruits

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Thursday, March 29, 2012

Anti-Cholesterol Foods and Fruits - Cholesterol is something that all people are trying to avoid it. To be healthy and beautiful is the dream of everyone. And cholesterol is something that can kill you, either slowly or quickly.  

anti-cholesterol fruit

Actually, there are easy ways that you can use if you include a group of people who avoid the bad cholesterol in you. You only need to consume enough anti-cholesterol foods and fruits that commonly found in everyday life. You can replace bad fats with healthy fats. Eating a plant-based diet is a good step. This could increase the intake of vegetable protein and beneficial to lower cholesterol levels.

Anti-Cholesterol Food List

  1. Mushrooms. Rich in chromium, a mineral that helps break down fats into simpler compounds, ie fatty acids. This activity helps shrink the levels of bad fats (LDL), and increase levels of good fats (HDL). Another source of chromium is nuts, like walnuts, peanuts, cashews, and almonds.
  2. Fresh pumpkin seeds. So far, we often underestimate the pumpkin seeds. In fact, pumpkin seeds contains abundant copper. Low dietary intake of copper is often associated with increased levels of bad cholesterol (LDL), and lack of good cholesterol (HDL). Often consume watermelon seeds, especially fresh ones. Pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds are also very good.
  3. Lemon. Among the various types of citrus, lime or lemon is the most contain flavonoids. This compound is able to inhibit the excessive production of LDL, thus reducing the risk of heart attack. Flavonoids are also available in tea, broccoli, tomatoes, beans, onions, and pomegranate.
  4. Apples. Contains lots of soluble fiber that is the source of betaglucan. In the body, betaglucan serves to control the production and absorption of cholesterol. Another source of betaglucan is papaya, pears, carrots, peas and other leguminous vegetables (beans, winged bean), dry legumes (green bean, red bean), and brown rice.
  5. Tuna fish. Includes sources of omega-3 fatty acids are popular, other than salmon and mackerel. Omega-3 specifically protects the body against rising levels of bad LDL cholesterol.
  6. Local guava red. Just like watermelon red and red tomatoes, local guava red is lycopene-rich. Lycopene had a role in controlling the production of cholesterol.
  7. Avocado.Pantothenic acid is the most prominent compounds in avocados which serves to reduce blood cholesterol levels. 
  8. Tempe. Traditional food that is rich in isoflavone compounds. Isoflavones are anti-cholesterol fitokimiawi. Isoflavones may also be found in tofu and soy milk.
  9. Peanuts. This snack contains healthy fats and rich in vitamin E, which can 'lock up' free radicals from damaging LDL cholesterol. This can prevent the formation of plaque in the blood vessels walls and prevent heart attacks.
  10. Mango. Vitamin C is widely available in mango. Other Sources: starfruit, various types of citrus (grapefruit, tangerines, etc.), kedondong, papaya, rambutan, strawberry, and kiwi. Vitamin C prevents oxidation of LDL cholesterol, and thus avoid the formation of plaque in blood vessel walls.
Hopefully useful to you all!!! Anti-Cholesterol Foods And Fruits.

Stay Healthy and Beautiful By Consuming Tempe

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Friday, March 23, 2012

healthy traditional food

Stay Healthy and Beautiful By Consuming Tempe - Tempe is a traditional food from Indonesia. Many Indonesian people believe if these foods have many benefits for health and beauty. Has been known since many centuries ago, particularly for javanese people. The first reference of tempe found in 1875, and even called in a Centini Fiber and book History of Java by Stanford Raffles. The main material for making tempe is soybeans and soybean yeast.

Nutrition and Benefits of Tempe

According to Prof.Dr. Achmad Biben, tempe contains superoksida desmutase that can prevent cell damage and make you looks younger. Tempe also containts elements that are useful, such as carbohydrate, fat, protein, fiber, vitamin, enzyme, daidzein, genistein and the anti-bacterial components. Besides, where can also be as antianemia, lower cholesterol level and risk of lower coronary heart disease.  

Another benefit of tempe is to reduce the complaints of women who entered the age of menopause, because of a substance that related to the reseptor hormone estrogen. Consuming tempe can also increase the vitality and rejuvenate the body cells. Why so? Because tempe also contain substances called lesitin. Lesitin can prevent arterosklerosis ( cumulation cholesterol in the blood vessel wall ), so it can reduce the tendency of platelet aggregation. Lesitin can also help reduce the piles of fat in the liver. So, start to consume tempe because it will make you stay healthy and always look beautiful.

Hopefully this article useful for you!! Stay Healthy and Beautiful By Consuming Tempe

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