Signs of Pregnancy (1)

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Wednesday, May 30, 2012

For those of you who are expecting pregnancy, and want to know the signs of pregnancy, I hope this information helps.

What are the early signs if you are pregnant?

Easily out of breath
If you are easily out of breath when climbing stairs, but usually not, there is a possibility you are pregnant. The fetus does require oxygen. As a result, you are also often out of breath. Please understand, this will happen throughout the pregnancy. Especially when the baby began to suppress the lung and diaphragm.

Enlarged breasts
Enlarged breasts, the areola are darkened, and looks a lot more blood vessels in the chest may be early signs of pregnancy. Wear the right bra to reduce discomfort.

Easily feel tired
If you feel tired very easily, it could be a sign of increased hormones in the body. For most women, tiredness can take place during the first trimester. However, there are also experiencing this until the second trimester.

The majority of pregnant women experience nausea in the morning. In fact, they had it up to six weeks. And some are experienced not only in the morning, but afternoon and evening as well. To reduce nausea, get used to eating snacks such as biscuits in small portions but often.

Frequent urination
If suddenly you always feel to go pee at night, get ready, here's another sign of pregnancy. During pregnancy, your body will produce a lot of fluid which will fulfill the bladder.

Hopefully the information about the signs of pregnancy was quite useful for you. I will continue this article for the second part tomorrow. Don't forget to follow Beautiful Ala Indonesian on twitter or facebook fan page. Thank you!

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