Showing posts with label acne treatment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label acne treatment. Show all posts

5 Habits That Cause Acne

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Friday, April 6, 2012

bad habits you should change

5 Habits That Cause Acne - People said acne is a teenager disease. But after age was entered 25-30 years, why acne is still showing? In fact, the conditions are worse than a teenager, and can appear on the back, neck, shoulders, and even places that are not visible.

According to statistics, one in five adults aged 25-44 years having acne problem. This skin problem is not caused by one factor only, so it's rather difficult to get rid of. But how do you treat your skin, a bit much play a role in the appearance of acne on the face. You don't believe? Take a look at 5 habits that cause acne below. Maybe one of them is a habit that often you do.

1. Wearing make-up during exercise 

The biggest mistake that many women do is they always clean their faces after exercise. Actually, just before the exercise, the face should already be clean. This meant that when you sweat, dust or the rest of the make-up does not stick to the face.

Skin&hair care products, as hair conditioner, gel, shaving cream (for men), moisturizer, sunscream, and other products that contain oil can clog the face pores and cause acne. Replace these products with ingredients that will not clog the face pores (oil-free and / or a noncomedogenic). However, although using a product that contains no oil, you still have to clean your face before exercising.

Consider also whether you really need the product. Since the products labeled "dermatologist tested" (has been tested by an expert dermatologist) can also cause acne in some people.

2. Often groping cheek or chin

Maybe you do it unconsciously, but often wipe the sweat off your face by hand, or rubbing the nose can encourage the growth of bacteria and can cause infection. Get used also to not squeeze pimples that just started appear. Squeeze pimples can make acne bacteria to go deeper into the skin, which can cause inflammation and permanent scarring.

3. Not diligent in washing face

Immediately wash your face after you exercise or do other activities that make you sweat. Physical activity heats the body, causing sweat mixes with the oil on the skin surface. Both of these can clog pores. If you can not wash your face, dry your face and your body with a towel, and immediately change your clothes with clean clothes.

Wearing sweat soaked clothes, especially tight clothes, also can make the chest, back, and other parts of your body can be covered with acne. If you are wearing a headband, hat, or helmet, which is firmly attached to the head, be diligent to wash the rope to reduce bacteria.

4. Too often wash your face with harsh soaps

Acne is not caused by dirt. Therefore, there is no point to frequently wash your face with soap or a scrub that contains sharp ingredients such as alcohol. The condition of your face can be even worse because forced to produce oil excessively.

Change your habits by washing the face from the jaw to the hairline with a mild soap and warm water, once or twice a day. Don't forget to wash your hands before touching the face. Then, dry your face by patting with a dry and soft towel (do not rub).

5. Letting the stress continues

Maybe you've heard that stress can affect the health of skin. Because when you're stressed, your body produces stress hormones (cortisol) that will stimulate excess oil production in the sebaceous glands in the skin. When excess oil mixes with dead skin cells and bacteria, acne will appear or become worse.

Try to take a break from the routine that makes you stressed. Perform stretching exercises and deep breathing. Regular exercise is also effective to treat anxiety and reduce stress.

If you are one of those who have these habits, you should change it from now on. Who knows efficacious to address the acne problem that you experienced.

Hopefully the article "5 habits that cause acne" is quite helpful!

Overcome Acne In Healthy

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Tuesday, April 3, 2012

beautiful face

Overcome Acne In Healthy - Acne is one of the facial skin disorder that is not desired by every woman. Because acne can reduce self-confidence, especially in women because they will feel less beautiful. Increased production of oil glands, it's always blamed for the appearance of acne. But actually this is not entirely correct.

Chrystle Fielder, author of 'The Complete Idiot's Guide to Natural Remedies' reveals the appearance of acne can be caused by several factors. Diet and food allergies include, as well as stress and hormonal imbalances. Fielder recommend some healthy food that works to overcome acne in healthy.

Foods That Can Treat Acne

  1. Consumption of simple carbohydrates and increase protein intake. Simple carbohydrates will be metabolized as sugar and can affect hormone balance. While whole grains and lean protein can prevent acne. 
  2. Eat regularly, adding five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Especially green vegetables that rich in vitamins and minerals, because it can help cleanse the skin.
  3. Stay hydrated. Water is an internal-natural hydration and helps metabolize the food you eat. Drink at least 8 glasses per day to hydrate skin and improve skin health.
  4. Green food supplements, such as chlorophyll, spirulina and barley greens which can help filter out toxins. Follow the recommended dosage on the label. 
  5. Drinking herbal tea. According to Fiedler, the liver is the main organ of detoxification in the body, when overwhelmed with bad food or drinks, it can cause acne. Drink tea made ​​from burdock root (Japanese yam), dandelion, and red clover to help detoxify the liver. 
  6. Daily consumption of probiotics. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that not only help improve the health of the digestive system, but also very good for skin health.
Hopefully useful!

    Traditional Recipes for Acne Treatment

    Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Sunday, April 1, 2012

    Traditional Recipes for Acne Treatment - If previously i've written some natural acne treatment, see here. Then, this can be called as a continuation of the post. This time I wrote two simple traditional recipes that you can possibly use to get rid of acne on your face forever. Have a clean facial skin without acne is everyone's dream isn't it? Because I'm sure you all would not want your beautiful face decorated with acne, which certainly will make you look less beautiful.

    The first recipe

    solutions for acnePapaya leaves. In a few posts on this blog, i have written some benefits of papaya leaves to our health. Well, one of the papaya leaves benefits is can be used to treat acne.

    How to use :
    1. Take 2-3 pieces of old papaya leaves, dry in the sun.  
    2. Mash the papaya leaves, mixed with water, then squeezed and filtered to get the juice. 
    3. Apply it on acne on your face regularly before bedtime.

      The second recipe

      solutions for acneRadish. You certainly know this fruit as part of a salad. Apparently, radish is also beneficial to overcome the problem of acne.

      How to use :
      1. Take a few radishes as needed, then grated and squeezed to get juice. 
      2. Add a little apple vinegar and stir until blended. 
      3. Apply this mixture on the acne, leave to dry. 
      4. Rinse with clean water. 
      5. Do it regularly.
      Hopefully the article "traditional recipes for acne treatment" is pretty useful!

      Spotty Face? Not Anymore.

      Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Friday, March 30, 2012

      how to remove acne naturally

      Spotty Face? Not Anymore - Beautiful face is a face without acne. Acne is a skin disease that most often affects people. Many people feel uncomfortable and feeling less confident due to acne. Both men and women experience it. Acne can be caused due to various factors, ranging from hormonal problems, skin clean face, until due to stress or an unhealthy diet can also cause acne.

      Acne Home Remedies

      For those of you who have problems with acne, perhaps some of these acne home remedies can be useful.
      1. Lime and sulfur. How to use it, prepare sulfur by about ½ tablespoon, softened with lime juice. If you do not like the smell, you can add a little perfume. Then apply this mixture on the acne on your face.
      2. Tomato. How to use it, sliced tomatoes into small pieces. Then you just rub into your face, leave for a few minutes, then rinse with clean water. Perform routine every night before you sleep.
      3. Betel leaf. How to use it, crushed a few pieces of betel leaf, apply all over your face, leave for about 30 minutes, then rinse with clean water. Do this routine every night before you sleep for 1 week.
      Hopefully this can be useful for you. Clean and beautiful face will certainly make you more confident. And you can say goodbye to spotty face forever!

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