Showing posts with label fruits benefits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fruits benefits. Show all posts

Sirsak/Soursop (natural cancer cure)

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Thursday, March 29, 2012

sirsak natural cancer cure
Sirsak/Soursoup (Natural Cancer Cure) - Indonesian people call it "Sirsak", in Bazil they call it "Graviola", while in Spain they call it "Guanabana". The fruit is slightly large size, thin fruit skin with soft spines that spread evenly, and the fruit flesh is white. Taste of this fruit is sweet-sour. For Indonesian people, to consume this fruit is common, especially if used as a juice. And I'm sure you also know / ever consume this fruit. But do you know if this fruit is very beneficial for your health as a natural cancer cure?

Usefulness of this fruit is as anti-tumors / cancers that are very strong. Even medically proven to cure all types of cancers such as colon cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, and others.

Research Results

Research has proven that if the soursop tree and its fruit can be useful for :
  • Attack cancer safety and effectively with an all-natural therapy that does not cause extreme nausea, weight loss and hair loss
  • Protect your immune system and avoid deadly infections
  • Feel stronger and healthier throughout the course of the treatment
  • Boost your energy and improve your outlook on life

    Several tests have been conducted in more than 20 laboratories, concluded that if the extract from the soursop fruit can: 

    • Effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 types of cancer, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer.
    • The tree compounds proved to be up to 10.000 times stronger in slowing the growth of cancer cells than adriamycin, a chemotherapeutic drug commonly used!
    • What's more, unlike chemotherapy, the compound extracted from the Soursop tree selectively hunts down and kills the cancer cells only. It does not harm healthy cells.

     Nutritional Content

     In general, the nutritional value contained from soursop fruit (100 gram serving) are:
    • Vitamin: C 20.6
    • Calcium: 14
    • Iron: 0.6
    • Calories: 66
    • Dietary Fiber: 3.3g
    • Protein: 1g
    • Cholesterol: 0mg
    • Sodium: 14mg
    • Sugars: 13.54g
    • Total Carbohydrate: 16.84g
    • Total Fat: 0.3g
    • Saturated Fat: 0.05g
    • Monounsaturated Fat: 0.09g
    • Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.06g 
    In addition to his greatness that can cure cancer, the root-bark-leaf-seed from the fruit, also works and has other benefits such as:
    • Anti-bacterial, anti fungal, effective against various types of parasites / worms, lowers high blood pressure, depression, stress, and normalize the nervous system back unfavorable, cure heart disease, asthma, liver problems and rheumatism. 
    I think this highly enough information. Soursop is a fruit that highly useful, as a natural cancer cure, and also useful to overcome other diseases.

    Benefits Of The Tomatoes

    Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Tuesday, March 27, 2012

    benefits of tomatoes

    Benefits Of The Tomatoes - Everyone must know the tomatoes. And everyone also believe if I say that eating tomatoes can make our body healthy. But the truth is not only keep us healthy, tomatoes also has benefits that can make you always look beautiful.

    Contains protein, phosphorus, iron, sulfur, vitamin A, B1, and C, tomatoes has several benefits to keep you beautiful.

    To refine your face, take some tomatoes then slice it. Use this sliced tomatoes as a scrub on the face. Or, you can smear of tomato juice into your face every day. It will make your face feel fresh.

    As a protector of the sun, take a few leaves of tomato. Blend it with some water, then paste it into your face.

    So, wouldn't it be safer if we always strive to maintain our health and beauty naturally? Hopefully the information about the benefits of the tomatoes is useful for you!

    Mengkudu ( Natural Cancer Cure )

    Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Monday, March 26, 2012

    mengkudu or noni as a nantural cancer cure

    Initially, this fruit is not considered, because the disgusting smell and the ugly form. In addition, the fruit is also known as wild plants. But now is another story, the fruit is highly recognized and sought by the people. Not because it taste, but because of the benefits for the body health, as a natural cancer cure.

    According to the Pacific Science Journal (1949), Mengkudu fruit (Morinda citrifolia L) allegedly came from Indonesia. This fruit is also known as Noni fruit or Pace. Shape of pear fruit, the color is green when young and change into yellowish white when if it is matured. The other characteristics is very sour taste with a very sharp aroma when the fruit is old or mature.

    Various Benefits of Mengkudu / Noni

    If you want to get the maximum benefit from the mengkudu, consumption of fruit that is old or mature. Research results showed that the more mature the fruit, the substances that are useful also more and more. Mengkudu fruit contains anthraquinone compound that act as anti-bacteria and fungi, turpentine work to rejuvenate the body cells, dammacanthel that can prevent cancer cell growth and the growth of abnormal cells in the pre-cancer stages. Fruits that have a 52% water content also contains various vitamins, including askorbat acid, kaproat acid, kaprik acid and kaprilat acid that able to prevent the free radicals that cause cancer.

    Another benefit of the mengkudu fruit is can treat heart disease, stabilize blood pressure, treat digestive disturbances, treat diabetes, and reduce the risk of stroke.

    So, with so many benefits to our health than as a natural cancer cure, why don't you start taking it from now?

    Hopefully useful!

    The Benefits of Strawberry

    Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Saturday, March 24, 2012

    the benefits of strawberry

    The Benefits of Strawberry - Do you know why strawberry is made as the symbol of love at the time of Ancient Greece? Was it because of the heart like? Apparently not. Ancient Greece people make strawberry as a symbol of love because of the color, taste and benefits for people, especially for the health and beauty. So, what are the benefits of strawberries for health and beauty?

    Nutritional Content and It's Benefits

    Strawberry contain high vitamin C, has been proven that 1 ons strawberry contains more vitamin C than 1 ons citric orange. Strawberry also contain phytochemicals, which functions as a powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants will bind free radicals, thus preventing the occurrence of the disease and as an anti aging.

    Strawberry also contain ellagic acid, in some studies, ellagic acid can inhibit the growth of established tumor in the lung, osephagus, breast, cervix, and tongue. In addition, ellagic acid can also reduce the risk of cancer and diseases caused from cigarette smoke.

    Strawberry also have an effect that is very good for the prevention of leukimia, anemia aplastik (less aplastik blood) and blood diseases. Two kinds of substances that are in it, "strawberry amine" and "acid tanat", have an effect and curb the growth of a malignant tumor.

    In addition to vitamin-rich, strawberry is also rich in nutrition that contains the amino acid, monosakarida, citric acid, pectine, calcium, magnesium, phosphor, minerals and so forth. Nutrien elements that are in strawberry fruit has a very good effect in encouraging the growth of children.

    Last and this is certainly favored by the women, the strawberry is very effective to slow the aging process. Vitamin B1, B2, C and provitamin A in strawberry can create and refine the skin color looks more bright, clean, and can prevent the occurrence of wrinkles on the skin.

    Hopefully the article "The Benefits of Strawberry" is pretty useful!

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