Showing posts with label daily health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label daily health. Show all posts

Adverse Effects of Green Tea

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Thursday, May 10, 2012

how to drink green tea
Green tea already is believed to have many health benefits. In addition to antioxidants, some studies show if green tea can lose weight the drinker. But maybe, you should know some of these facts.

How and when to drink green tea :

Have the freshness
The fresh green tea is healthy and good for the body. You can enjoy it hot or cold but make sure is not stored more than one hour. Should avoid drinking green tea when very hot, because it can cause throat cancer. If you store tea in a long time, it could lose vitamins and antioxidants. In addition, anti-bacterial properties will also be reduced. In fact, the tea will keep lot of bacteria if left too long. So, immediately take it to avoid the side effects to the body.

One hour before meals
People who maintain weight like drinking green tea before eating, because green tea is beneficial to lose weight. Green tea can control appetite for a long time. The ideal time to drink green tea is one hour before or after meal. This is because green tea contains caffeine that controls appetite. So, if taken an hour before a meal, green tea can control hunger. If you want to avoid heavy snacks in the afternoon, drinking green tea with low fat crackers. Avoid drinking green tea in the morning, especially on an empty stomach.

Don't combined with drug
To avoid the side effects of medicine and green tea, don't ever consume them together. 

Side effects 
Concentrated green tea contains high caffeine and polyphenols. The ingredients in green tea have side effects on the body. Concentrated green tea can cause indigestion, insomnia, high blood pressure and even heart palpitations. 

Explained previously, the excessive consumption of green tea may trigger side effects. Drink more than 2-3 cups of green tea can harm your body, because green tea contains caffeine. Maximum 3 cups of it every day.

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The Habits That Cause Flu

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Saturday, May 5, 2012

habits that cause flu
Flu is a disease that is often experienced, especially in the transition seasons. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. Many things can be done to prevent the flu.

Did you know that the eye could also catch the flu virus? As quoted from, there are channels in the eye that is connected to nasal cavity. The cavity can be a way for the entry of germs that cause flu. Therefore, avoid touching the eyes and the nose is one way of preventing the flu.

Part of a virus attack humans, including the flu, is caused by direct contact with other people or things that contain lots of germs. Frequent washing of hands after touching doorknobs, computer or other objects is a good step defenses.

Remember, after hand washing, dry with dryer or private towel. Don't dry hands with a towel that used together.

If you are difficult to avoid contact with someone with the flu, because you're on a trip, you can use a mask and gloves. Using gloves can also reduce contact with germs in the chair. If accidental contact with flu patient, you should wash your hands more often than usual. More practically, there is now a hand sanitizer that can be directly applied to the hand without a rinse.

In order for a strong immune system against viruses, you should frequently exercise. It would be better if the exercise be done in the open in order to get vitamin D from sunlight. Vitamin D proven to build up the immune system that are resistant to the flu.

For those of you who missed exercise, vitamin D can be obtained from oily fish, dairy foods, cereal and margarine. Avoid stress because it can lower the immune system.

Research conducted by Prof. Ron Eccles, director of the study flu center, Cardiff University, concluded the flu virus is more easy to breed in a cold nose. To avoid the flu, you should use a scarf or mask to keep the nose temperatures stay warm. 

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Foods That Can Counteract Flu

Posted by Hendra Wibowo

Entering the transition season, one of the diseases that most often attacks is flu and fever. To prevent a fever, you need to boost the immune system. Several foods below are recommended by a professor of nutrition at the Culinary Institute of America, Suki Hertz, to be consumed at breakfast in order to increase the immune system.

Oranges contain vitamin C and contain powerful antioxidants, but low in calories.

Egg yolk is a good source of minerals that support the immune system. Protein content in egg white is also very high. Eating eggs is very good for improving stamina. To give a good immune system, a combination of baked eggs, spinach and tomatoes may be tried.

Tofu is a complete protein. Tofu is a source of calcium and omega-3 fatty acids. All existing content can strengthen the immune system.

Papaya has anti-inflammatory substances. Papaya is also an excellent source of vitamin C. Papaya contain beta carotene, a phytonutrient that can be converted into vitamin A in your body and can keep the eyes and skin moisture.

Kiwi contains between 90-110 milligrams of vitamin C. This fruit contains essential minerals to increase muscle strength and nerve. Kiwi is very good to boost immunity because they contain flavonoids and carotenoids as antioxidants that help the health of the respiratory organs and heart.

Cheese contains selenium, a powerful antioxidant that can strengthen the immune system.

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Easy Ways to Avoid Flu

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Friday, May 4, 2012

avoid influenza
Influenza or commonly known as flu, is a disease that can be solved easily. Even so, when people get flu, people usually feel very miserable. Ranging from cough, cold, fever, nausea and even vomiting.

Actually, there are easy ways that you can follow so you will not got the flu easily. Do four of the following :

1. More outside
Being outside and breathe fresh air is the easiest way to boost the immune system. That also very good for our psychological health which can reduce stress levels. In fact, high levels of stress can lower your immune system.

2. Relaxation
Always make time for relaxation. Enjoy a cup of tea, watering plants or doing other things that make your mind becomes more calm and avoid stress.

"Stress increases the risk of get the flu, because it prevents the body to produce cytokine molecules," said Ather Ali, Assistant head of Complementary / Alternative Medicine Research from the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center.

Function of these molecules trigger the disease reacts to the immune system. Furthermore, during stress, you usually have trouble sleeping, irregular eating patterns and ignorance in health.

3. Always wash hands
Your hand is a nest of viruses and bacteria. So make sure after getting to the bathroom or leave the house, wash your hands with soap. Don't forget to dry it right away, remember, the bacteria are easily spread in wet temperature rather than dry temperatures.

4. Enough sleep
Continuous sleep deprivation can inhibit the ability of the immune system. In fact, a study conducted by a team from Carnegie Mellon University in 2009 found that, someone who slept less than seven hours a day, have a risk of flu three times higher than those who have slept enough. 

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11 Early Signs of Oral Cancer

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Wednesday, May 2, 2012

early signs of oral cancer

11 Early Signs of Oral Cancer - Oral cancer can be detected early before seeing your oral surgeon. Oral surgeon and lecturer at the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Hasanudin, drg. Muhammad Ruslim Sp.BM MKes said, "Most doctors and dentists recommend to anyone to take an active role in the early detection of abnormalities in the oral cavity by performing self-examination every month".

Early detection of oral cancer is intended to recognize or suspect the presence of oral cancer in the early stages. "Examination of the oral cavity is an important part of the physical evaluation in the early detection of oral cancer treatment. So prompt and appropriate treatment will give a satisfactory result with a good prognosis.," Said Ruslim who is also the Chairman of the Regional Council, Association of oral and maxillofacial surgeons Indonesia (PABMI) Sulawesi.

Here are 11 early signs of oral cancer :
  1. Sores on the face, neck, head or mouth that do not heal within 2 weeks.
  2. Swelling or lumps on the lips, gums or other areas in the oral cavity.
  3. Signs of redness, hardening around the mouth.
  4. Recurrent bleeding in the oral cavity.
  5. Paresthesia, pain around the face, mouth or throat.
  6. Pain in the ear.
  7. Difficulty in moving the jaw or tongue.
  8. Swelling of the jaw so that the denture does not fit and become unstable.
  9. Voice changes.
  10. Mass in the neck.
  11. Losing weight. 

If you experience symptoms such as those mentioned above, see your doctor immediately for further examination. There's also a good idea to start a healthy life from now on, starting with eating healthy foods, it can prevent oral cancer. Hopefully useful!

Coffee Reduces Risk of Skin Cancer

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Wednesday, April 25, 2012

coffee reduces risk of skin cancer
Coffee Reduces Risk of Skin Cancer - Coffee may reduce the risk of skin cancer. The good news was released by the American Association for Cancer Research and Prevention at their 10th conference. At an international conference which was held in Boston, they showed that coffee is very good, especially for women, because it has a positive effect on the risk of skin cancer.

Women who drank more than three cups of coffee per day had a 20 percent lower risk of basal cell carcinoma (BCC), compared with women who drank less than one cup per month. BCC is one of the most frequently diagnosed skin cancer.

According to the American Cancer Society, 75 percent of all cases of skin cancer is a type of BCC. Until now there are about 22.786 cases were recorded. Men who drank the same amount, have a nine percent lower risk of developing skin cancer.

"Our study indicates that coffee consumption may be an important option to help prevent BCC," said Fengju Song, researchers involved in the study.

Data were obtained from studies conducted by nurses at Brigham Women's Hospital, and profesional health practitioners (Harvard School of Public Health). Nurses take data from about 72.921 participants from June 1984 to June 2008. Health professionals examined data from 39.976 participants from June 1986 to June 2008.

Unfortunately, the benefits of drinking coffee is not seen have a positive impact on other types of skin cancer, ie squamous cell carcinoma (1953 cases) or melanoma (741 cases). Previous studies have shown coffee drinkers tend to have a lower risk of breast cancer, uterine, prostate and colon cancer (see Benefits of Coffee). But the good effect is not seen in people who drink decaffeinated coffee. 

Bread Can Increase Breast Cancer Risk

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Monday, April 23, 2012

white bread increase the risk of breast cancer
Bread Can Increase Breast Cancer Risk - Eating white bread and potatoes can increase the risk of breast cancer. As stated by the scientists who conducted the research at the University of California, San Diego.

The study found that people who follow a starch-rich diet (amylum) are more at risk for developing tumors than those who rarely eat starch. The researchers could not explain this trend. However, they assume that the increase in insulin levels triggered by refined carbohydrates such as starch can stimulate the growth of cancer cells.

Researchers studied the diets of 2651 breast cancer patients for 12 months. They found that people who frequently eat starch has a 14.2 percent risk of breast cancer. This risk level is higher than that rarely consume starch, which is about 9.7 percent.

"The results show that not only carbohydrates as a whole (which could potentially increase the risk of cancer), but particularly starch," said University of California researchers, Jennifer Emond. Studies have not been able to give advice on a good diet to prevent this cancer.

At first, the women's carbohydrate intake was 233 grams per day. The researchers studied the diets of women who experience breast cancer recurrence after several years. Those who have a relapse generally add starch intake of 2.3 grams per day in the first year. Meanwhile, patients who did not relapse generally reduce the intake of starch 2.7 grams per day.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK. This disease affects about 46,000 women every year. Carbohydrates are the most important fuel for the muscles and vital energy source for brain and central nervous system. Refined carbohydrates such as bread contain more starch than from grains (like rice).

Breast Cancer Campaign chief executive, Baroness Delyth Morgan, appreciate these findings. "This study shows that reducing starch consumption may reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence. We are waiting for more research on this issue," she said.  

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Foods That Trigger Cancer Risk

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Saturday, April 21, 2012

baked foods trigger cancer risk
Foods That Trigger Cancer Risk - Many people love the baked foods. There are many restaurants serving baked foods, because people love it. However, scientists say that the baked foods can give a bad impact on health (trigger cancer risk).

Compared by boiling, food that is cooked by baking can increase the risk of cancer up to two times, although food is well cooked. The scientists found that meat that is baked or fried undergo carcinogenic mutations on its surface.

A study conducted by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, tested the mice for experiments that are expected to reflect similar conditions in humans. They found that humans have certain enzymes called sulfotransferases (sult) in some parts of their bodies. In mice, this enzyme is exists only in the liver.

Sult enzyme serves to convert some of the ingredients in foods that are not harmful to the body. In addition, this enzyme also has the ability to change the content of the food to be carcinogenic or cancer causing.

"We want to examine the development of colon tumors in mice which often consumed baked and fried foods, and compare it with the development of tumors in normal mice that is fed the same contaminated food," said the scientists.

The result shows that scientists find colon tumors increased from 31 to 80 percent in mice who ate a baked meat, just like humans. In addition, the scientists also noted that the mice is not a perfect experiment to illustrate the health risks of human colon via the consumption of contaminated food. But it's good if we don't consume baked foods too often, because it can trigger cancer risk.

Hopefully useful! Don't forget to follow Beautiful Ala Indonesian on twitter or facebook fan page. Thank you! 

Benefits of Yellow Vegetables and Fruits for Health

Posted by Hendra Wibowo on Friday, April 20, 2012

Color in fruits and vegetables are different. The color of each type of fruit and vegetables signaled that the food contains own benefit that differentiates it from other fruits and vegetables.

banana, corn, mango for health
Yellow-colored fruits and vegetables are widely consumed. Including citrus, mango, star fruit, yellow peppers, corn and pumpkins. Here are some of the benefits of yellow fruits and vegetables for health, a marked loss if you ignore.
  1. Yellow color in fruits and vegetables indicate that these foods contain beta-carotene. These compounds provide benefits for healthy eyes, muscles and lungs. For office workers who every day staring at the screen continuously, beta carotene in orange or lemon helps keep your eyes healthy.
  2. Yellow fruits and vegetables also contain zeaxanthin, flavonoids and lycopene, which are not owned by all types of fruits and vegetables. Flavonoids are chemicals that serve as anti-inflammatory. So, when you are allergic, try to eat yellow fruits and vegetables. More importantly, flavonoids help stop cancer cell growth. 
  3. Yellow fruit, like pineapple and starfruit, was rich in potassium. These fruits are also rich in vitamin C which protects the body cells, so that the body condition is maintained.
  4. Men at risk of having prostate cancer. Research shows that yellow foods help reduce the possibility of prostate cancer risk substantially.
  5. For women who always want to look younger, try to combine the nutrients in yellow fruits and vegetables. This will help slow the muscle degeneration due to age and keeps you fit the routine. 
  6. Calcium is rarely found in fruits, but magnesium in yellow fruit such as bananas, helps keep our bones strong and healthy, as well as facilitating the formation of collagen for joint health. So, if you do not want to lose the flexibility of the body too quickly, then consume the yellow fruits and vegetables.    

Benefits of White Vegetables and Fruits For Health

Posted by Hendra Wibowo

White vegetables or fruit appears to be less popular. Mindset of the people sometimes just a look from outside and immediately assume the food isn't delicious. In fact, white vegetables and fruits have good nutrition for the body, not less than green vegetables.

Many people misunderstand that just because the white color of the vegetables are considered to have no pigment. These foods still have a white pigment. Typically, white-colored vegetables contain anthoxanthins, a chemical that can make your heart healthy by lowering your cholesterol and blood pressure.

1. Mushroom
mushrooms for health
Mushrooms is a vegetable with a relatively expensive price, but the most nutritious. Mushrooms are a source of potassium that powerful to fighting cancer. The study also showed that mushrooms could increase the production and activity of white blood cells. In addition, the mushrooms is also very good against infection, lose weight, overcome flu and fight free radicals.

2. Potato and Banana
potato for health
Both are very good sources for energy (carbohydrates) and rich in potassium. Potatoes and bananas are also able to relieve migraines and headaches caused by stress.

3. Garlic
garlic for health
Garlic was an anti-bacterial, anti fungal, anti inflammatory and anti several types of diseases caused by germs. Eating garlic is also good for heart health naturally.

4. Cauliflower / Cabbage
cabbage for health
These vegetables are good food that will provide the basis of fiber and vitamins but low in calories. Cabbage also give good impact to health, are like anti-cancer, lower bad cholesterol levels, treating skin diseases, helping the health of the digestive, cleanse the influence of alcohol in the blood and reduce the risk of cataracts.

5. Radish
This vegetable is a cousin of the carrot. Radishes contain lots of vitamin C. Radishes are also known to contain high diatase enzymes to aid digestion and prevents accumulation of fat in body tissues.

6. Bean Sprouts
bean sprout for health
Sprouts may increase fertility due to a source of vitamin E. Soybean sprouts contain more energy, protein and fat than green bean sprouts.  Soybean sprouts also efficacious to reduce hypertension, because of the peptide content in the soybean sprouts act as a barrier to angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE).

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