According to research, almost every humans had experienced trouble sleeping. One in three people reported experience sleep disorders and one of nine people have a serious sleep disorder. Here are 4 of sleep disorders that might have serious consequences if not handled properly.
Restless Legs Syndrome
People who have this condition will always move their feet because they feel something uncomfortable in the part, such as itching. People who have this condition has an intensity of different movements. As a result, many patients who become insomnia and depression. This sleep disorder should alert you. Various pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments can help the sufferer.
Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that causes a person can sleep anywhere and in any condition without signs first. Narcolepsy patient will usually feel sleepy during the day and will perform a nap for hours. This disorder is caused by a lack of hypocretin, a substance in the brain that regulates sleep and wake schedule. Consumption of antidepressants, lifestyle changes and keep the psychological conditions could help treat narcolepsy.
Sleep Walking
This condition is characterized by a deep sleep while performing common activities when awake, such as walking, brushing teeth, or out of the house. Generally, the patient does not realize what they have done during sleep and was surprised when someone else tells them about their sleep habits. In addition to biological factors, psychological processes, especially dissociation (altered state of consciousness in part or whole) contribute to cause sleep walking. This condition requires a thorough diagnosis, such as laboratory tests, so that examination could be more perfect.
Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder
People with this condition characterized by difficulty sleeping at night, making it difficult to get up early. This condition is considered normal if you experience it once in a while, but if you experience it almost every night so there should be a serious concern.
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